[Situation comedy] The IT Crowd Season 1-4

    Classic American Drama Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-19) 19515 views 0 comments

     [Situation comedy] The IT Crowd Season 1-4
    Type: Comedy
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    First broadcast: 2006-02-03 (UK)
    Number of episodes: 6
    Single episode length: 23 minutes

    Also known as: IT heroes/IT people/IT maniacs


    IT "elites" who are the most embarrassing, shocking, brainless, unexpected and unreasonable in the history of "IT Madman" are on the screen. Let Jen, the IT queen, who is good at sending and receiving emails, clicking and double clicking the mouse, Moss, who has a super high IQ and likes to make inventions, and Roy, a fan who thinks he is elegant and handsome, take you to the IT world!

    Comments from Douban netizens:

    Sugamo Duoxiong Maosang 2010-08-01

    The last episode of this season is the one that I laugh the least, and I am unwilling to have even a little end to verify the rumors. Because I love this TV play so much, I don't care how much I laugh and how little I laugh, although it is always a sitcom. I can do not much, this is the most I can do.

    Po 2010-07-26 23:06:13

    I really forgot how I found this English drama. I watched it many times from the first season to the third season, and now it's the fourth season. I suddenly understand that these people are so-called paranoid. Moss's personality explosive head, from shirt and tie to glasses (large and small, but consistent in shape and texture), has lasted for hundreds of years. When he cannot accept the reality, he will choose to enter his own world. It's just stubborn.

     [Situation comedy] The IT Crowd Season 1-4
     [Situation comedy] The IT Crowd Season 1-4

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