BBC documentary Pompeii Life and Death in a Roman Town 720P

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-16) 7845 views 0 comments

     BBC documentary Pompeii Life and Death in a Roman Town 720P Download pictures
    Type: documentary
    Version: One episode [PDTV+720P]
    Issued in 2010
    Production and distribution: BBC

    Chinese name: BBC: Pompeii
    English name: BBC: Pompeii – Life and Death in a Roman Town

    brief introduction
    I translated "Pompeii". An ancient city located in Campania on the southwest coast of Italy, at the southeast foot of Vesuvius, only 40 minutes' drive (23 kilometers) northwest from Naples. Pompeii has a long history. On October 24, AD 79, ※ was buried by volcanic ash at the moment of eruption of Mount Vesuvius, but a large number of architectural relics and artistic relics of the ancient Roman Empire have been preserved, making it the most famous ancient city site in the world. The excavation of the ancient city began in 1748 and was nearly completed in 1960. The city is built on a pentagonal terrace with an area of about 63 hectares, surrounded by a 3 km long city wall. Ancient Roman buildings, handicrafts and other living relics are well preserved, providing first-hand information for the study of ancient Roman society and history. A famous tourist spot.

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