Little Boy (2015) 720p Blu ray HD version download

    Latest American TV series Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-10) 9054 views 0 comments

     Little Boy (2015) 720p Blu ray HD download pictures
    Movie information:

    Name: Little Boy (2015) 720p Blu ray HD Edition
    Release time: August 9, 2015 13:29
    Format: mkv
    Size: 5.46 G

    Content introduction:


    Director: Agado Monteverde
    Screenplay: Agado Montevideo/Pepe Portillo
    Starring: Jacob Salvati/Kevin James/Michael Rappaport/David Henry/Emily Watson/more
    Type: plot/comedy/war
    Production country/region: Mexico/USA
    Language: English
    Release date: April 24, 2015 (United States)
    Length: 106 minutes
    IMDb link: tt1810683

    Comments from Dou You:

    Lime Lemon 2015-08-08
    The picture is beautiful, beautiful to cry...

    Zhang Sichi's Strange Talk 2015-08-09
    I always think of Forrest Gump when it comes to this theme.

    An 8-year-old American child (Jacob Salvati, played by Jakob Salvati) wants to use the faith and will that his father James (Michael Rapaport, played by Michael Rapaport) once taught him to have to complete an impossible task, which is to bring his father back from the battlefield of the Second World War.

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges Little Boy (2015) 720p Blu ray HD version download , Thank you very much!
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