The End of CCTV Wildness (2014) 2 episodes of HD 1080P download

    CCTV documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-08) 6157 views 0 comments

     The End of CCTV Wildness (2014) 2 episodes of HD 1080P download pictures
    Starring: Yao Ming
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: Mainland China/New Zealand
    Language: English
    Number of episodes: 2
    Single episode length: 60 minutes

    Also known as The End of the Wild

    CCTV Record Channel continued to focus on launching a series of high-quality blockbusters in the summer of 2014. For example, the three episode blockbuster "Secret Kingdom" jointly produced with the BBC and the natural environmental documentary "The End of Wild" co produced by Yao Ming in cooperation with NHNZ (New Zealand Natural History Company). The 2014 key programs of these record channels were broadcast respectively in the prime time of the summer CCTV record channel evening and the Charm Record column of the comprehensive channel.

    This film will reveal the cruel truth behind the illegal ivory and rhinoceros horn trade. The program follows the steps of Yao Ming's first trip to Africa, and follows him to enjoy the zebra, giraffe lion , cheetahs, elephants, rhinoceroses and other wild animals are breathtaking in their wild beauty. Yao Ming's purpose of this trip is not sightseeing. He is far away from the sightseeing route. He follows scientists and animal protection experts into the habitat of elephants and rhinoceroses to understand the real life of these animals, and find out the catastrophic impact of the expanding demand for ivory and rhinoceros horn from the other side of the earth on these animal species. This film has 2 episodes, each 60 minutes long. The first episode focuses on elephants, and the second episode focuses on rhinoceros.

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges The End of CCTV Wildness (2014) 2 episodes of HD 1080P download , Thank you very much!
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