BBC documentary: Time Journey 4 episodes HD 720P external subtitles Baidu online disk download

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-08) 15271 views 0 comments

     BBC documentary: Time Journey 4 episodes HD 720P external subtitles Baidu online disk download pictures
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    First broadcast: February 26, 2006
    Number of episodes: 4

    Also known as BBC: Time

    Time series documentaries are divided into four episodes:

    Daytime: discuss how we experience time;
    Lifetime: the time limitation of human life and whether it is possible to live forever;
    Earth Time: to determine the age of the earth;
    Cosmic Time: Does time itself have a beginning and an end?

    Michio Kaku is one of the inventors of SUPERSTRING in high-energy physics and theoretical physics. Dr. Calaison is an internationally renowned scholar of theoretical physics and environment. He adheres to Einstein's spirit: to explore the "principles of all things". Although the "String Field Theory" proposed by Dr. Kaohsiung is only an inch long equation, it may be the first key to solve the mystery of the universe.

    Dr. Jia Lai Daoxiong is a professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York, and has written as many as nine books, including Shuttling through Hyperspace: Ten dimensional Space Science Voyage and Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century. He is also a frequent guest of TV programs. He has been a guest of "Night Line", "Larry King Talk Show" and "60 Minutes", and has appeared in documentaries of PBS for several times. In addition, TLC, BBC, TechTV, SciFi Channel and other channels have produced special reports by Dr. Calaison.

    An interesting point mentioned in Dr. Jia Daoxiong's film is the psychological test conducted by psychologists for people of different ages: show them a series of different photos, including positive, positive, dark and negative ones. As a result, the younger people remember all the photos clearly. The older people are, the more they remember positive photos. This human feeling should not be related to age, but to the closeness of death. If young people know that they have a terminal disease, they will have the same test results as older people. This test is not a test of memory, but a test of what kind of images leave the most vivid impression in people's minds.

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges BBC documentary: Time Journey 4 episodes HD 720P external subtitles Baidu online disk download , Thank you very much!
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