[National Geographic] Journey to Jupiter

    National Geography Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-04) 4952 views 0 comments

     [National Geographic] Journey to Jupiter

    I always feel that Jupiter is the most magical one of the eight planets, with a huge dark yellow halo around. It is so dazzling in the dark night sky, even a bit scary.

    Jupiter is a thousand times the size of the Earth, with 63 satellites around it, which can be said to be a miniature solar system. Galileo's data have changed our view of the formation process of the solar system, and also let us find evidence of the existence of liquid water on the icy Europa. Scientists are planning to return to Jupiter to collect more information. New Scientific Discovery invites the audience to take a trip to Jupiter and unveil the mystery of Jupiter.

    I haven't found any high-definition for the time being. Let's make do with it.

    Ed2k download address: New scientific discoveries . Journey to Jupiter. N.G.naked.science.tourney. to. jupiter HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges [National Geographic] Journey to Jupiter , Thank you very much!
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