NHK: South America Bolivia Uyuni Salt Chronicle HD 720P Baidu online disk download

    NHK documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-07-16) 9078 views 0 comments

    Director: NHK
    Starring: Nakayama Yaweili
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: Japan
    Language: Japanese
    Release date: January 1, 2009
    Length: 49 minutes

    Also known as: Uyuni Salt History/Mirror of the Andes/Bolivia: Miraculous Mirror of the Sky
    A beautiful place, as netizens commented:

    Walking on it in the daytime is like being in the clouds. At night, it's like walking in the Milky Way. It's great to be here for a lifetime.

    By Japan nhk The documentary "Journey to the Uyuni Salt Field in Bolivia, South America" will lead you to the nearest place to heaven, the West Uyuni Salt Lake in Bolivia. Following in the footsteps of the beautiful host, Zhongshan Yaweili, we will walk near the town of Uyuni in the southwest of Bolivia and step into the world's largest "mirror of the sky".

    This originally deserted salt marsh, due to its large area, smooth surface, high reflectivity, and covering with shallow water, forms a special salt marsh water layer, making the earth as pure and beautiful as the reflection of the sky, which is breathtaking. The Uyuni Salt Marsh in Bolivia, with its unique scenery and quiet environment, has become a dream place for many tourists. People are willing to immerse themselves in this pure white world, listening to the wind and the water, enjoying themselves.

     NHK: South America Bolivia Uyuni Salt Chronicle HD 720P Baidu Online Disk Download Picture No.1

     NHK: South America Bolivia Uyuni Salt Chronicle HD 720P Baidu Online Disk Download Picture No.2

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges NHK: South America Bolivia Uyuni Salt Chronicle HD 720P Baidu online disk download , Thank you very much!
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