Advances in Space Exploration – Beyond the Solar System 1080p

    Documentary recommendation Documentary Home 9 months ago (09-24) 575 views

    The exploration of the universe is a journey that mankind will never stop. This is a long-term plan. This exploration of the unknown is always full of mystery.

    Introduction to the history of space exploration beyond the solar system:

    The distance between celestial bodies in the universe is so far that it is impractical to send a probe to investigate anything outside the solar system. The only realistic way to explore the universe outside of our surroundings is to check the light coming to us. The telescope is our main tool for this investigation. With the development of astronomical telescopes, our exploration of black holes and exoplanets is advancing rapidly, and the research of dark matter is also advancing.

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     Advances in Space Exploration – Beyond the Solar System 1080p

     Advances in Space Exploration – Beyond the Solar System 1080p

     [English subtitles] Advances in Space Exploration – Beyond the Solar System 1080p

     Advances in Space Exploration – Beyond the Solar System 1080p

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