[English subtitles] Ten Ancient Legends Absolute Top 10: Total Dictators 1 episode HD 720P download

    Documentary recommendation Documentary Home Two years ago (2023-03-23) 1174 views

    Introduction to Ten Ancient Legends of Absolute Dictators:

    The Top Ten Ancient Legends is a clever and interesting reciprocal ranking program, which will show how ancient technology was used, and you will be surprised by its advanced and easy use.
    Total Dictators
    The ancient world was once ruled by ruthless dictators, and wanton atrocities were routine. There were large-scale massacres, all for absolute power. This episode's ten ancient rankings are absolute dictators in the ancient world.

    Weibo @ documentary home subtitle group
    This episode introduces the famous autocrats in ancient times, including crazy emperors, famous historical generals, beautiful women in troubled times, and emperors who created different times. How should these famous and ruthless characters rank in the history of thousands of years?

    Screenshots of Ten Ancient Legends Absolute Dictators:

     [English subtitles] Ten Ancient Legends Absolute Top 10: Total Dictators 1 episode HD 720P download picture No.1

     [English subtitles] Ten Ancient Legends: Absolute Top 10: Total Dictators

     [English subtitles] Ten Ancient Legends: Absolute Top 10: Total Dictators

     [English subtitles] Ten Ancient Legends: Absolute Top 10: Total Dictators

    Some netizens commented on this documentary:

    There is no objectivity that documentaries should have - the lust of some western groups:
    10: Roman Empire - Caligula - 3 years and 10 months in power
    9: Roman Empire -- Nero -- 14 years in power
    8: The Ptolemaic Dynasty - Cleopatra VII
    7: Ancient Egypt - Ramesses II
    6: Hannibal, the Carthaginian military commander
    5: Attila, the whip of God
    4: Roman Empire Caesar
    3: Qin Empire - Qin Shihuang
    2: Alexander the Great
    1: Mongolian Empire Genghis Khan

    Ten Ancient Legends Absolute Dictators Online Watch:

    Ten Ancient Legends Absolute Dictator Chinese English Subtitles HD 720P Download address:

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    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges [English subtitles] Ten Ancient Legends Absolute Top 10: Total Dictators 1 episode HD 720P download , Thank you very much!
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