[English subtitles] PBS documentary: tracing the origin of civilization (the birth of civilization) Season 1 (2018) First Civilisations 1080p Download

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     [English subtitles] PBS documentary: tracing the origin of civilization (the birth of civilization) Season 1 (2018) First Civilisations 1080p Download picture No.1
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: America
    First broadcast: 2018 (America)
    Seasons: 1
    Number of episodes: 4

    Introduction to civilization traceability:

    Human beings are mobile foragers 99% of the time on the earth. Why should human beings go on the road of civilization?
    How did they create villages, towns, cities and countries and draw blueprints for the modern world?
    This series identifies the four cornerstones of civilization - war, religion, cities and trade - and explores them in different contexts.
    The film crew traveled across the globe to Mexico, Guatemala, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Oman, Morocco, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. They record the latest archaeological discoveries, test new theories and uncover original information.
    Drama reconstruction and computer graphics are used to visualize the lost world of the original civilization.
    In each episode, the ancient story is supplemented by a modern analogy, with an expert interviewee connecting the past and the present.
    This idea is to show how our ancestors were driven by the same impulses that still exist today: the inevitability of war, the need for religion, the temptation of cities, and the love of trade.
    Their story is our story.

    Introduction to each diversity:

    The first episode: There are contradictions in the core of civilization, and the cost of civilization is war. War is not just an unfortunate by-product. It is the driving force in the development of civilization. This story tells about this change. It is the cornerstone of the road to civilization.
    Episode II Religion: Every civilization needs a story to bear, and it needs a story of common belief, and the most powerful story is religion. But why did it become so powerful? What role did it play in the birth of civilization?
    Episode 3 Cities: From space, we can see the impact of civilization at a glance. Every cluster of light is a city. Millions of people who do not know each other live together, cooperate together, and share ideas. Cities are civilizations! But why did we live together on such a large scale? What are the advantages of urban life? What we want to talk about is that transition period, that stepping stone on the road to civilization!
    Episode IV Trade: If any civilization wants to rise, it must meet the needs of the people, which requires an exchange system, so any civilization and trade are inseparable. But how did trade shape the process of civilization? Why is this great change a stepping stone on the road to civilization? And become a great legend all over the world# Civilization#

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     [English subtitles] PBS documentary: tracing the origin of civilization (the birth of civilization) Season 1 (2018) First Civilisations 1080p Download picture No.2
     [English subtitles] PBS documentary: tracing the origin of civilization (the birth of civilization) Season 1 (2018) First Civilisations 1080p Download picture No.3
     [English subtitles] PBS documentary: tracing the origin of civilization (the birth of civilization) Season 1 (2018) First Civilisations 1080p Download picture No.4

    The Origin of Civilization (Birth of Civilization) Season 1 (2018) First Civilisations 1080p Download address:
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