[English subtitles] Discovery Channel - Uncover: Unearthed Terracotta Warriors of the Terracotta Army (2017) 1 episode HD 720P

    Discovery Channel Documentary Home Four years ago (2020-09-02) 7347 views

    As one of the eight artificial wonders in the world. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Mausoleum are also places where many research lovers like to explore and research. Watch this documentary to learn about the stories behind these amazing artificial masterpieces. Some netizens commented that:

    The mausoleum special effects are also very good! Stars are the top, mermaid paste is the candle, bronze is the mountains and rivers, and mercury is the river. Under the First Emperor's coffin is the vast territory of the Qin Dynasty belonging to him. Political brother Niu Pei! It is really contradictory whether the mausoleum should be excavated. I hope I can see the beauty at first, but I don't want future generations to disturb his peace.

     [English subtitles] Discovery Channel - Uncover: Unearthed Terracotta Warriors of the Terracotta Army (2017) 1 episode HD 720P pictures

    Type: documentary/history
    Production country/region: America
    Language: English
    Release date: 2017-07-19 (United States)
    Length: 42 minutes

    Uncover: Introduction to the story of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in the Qin Mausoleum

    The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Mausoleum, the mysterious pottery sculpture super army, is ready to go. These 8000 terracotta warriors and horses are known as the wonders of the world. Now archaeologists are using innovative imaging technology to find out who this extraordinary teacher is built for, what enemies the warriors will resist, and what brilliant treasures they are guarding.

    Full episode HD 720P online viewing:

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