[Daolan] NHK Documentary: North Korea Documentary

    NHK documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-07-04) 32825 views 0 comments

     [Daolan] NHK Documentary: North Korea Documentary
    Why can the authoritarian system of personality cult in North Korea, a mysterious country, be maintained up to now? Who instigates kidnappings and terrorist activities? Why do they keep happening?

    A series of mysteries about how the truth of nuclear weapons development upset the world,

    To solve the mystery, we have collected 12000 pages of confidential documents from all countries in the world. The disclosure of cadres and diplomats in the old socialist countries. The real situation of North Korea in personal contact

    We also interviewed more than 200 people involved, trying to investigate North Korea's hidden truth.


    Episode 1. Towards Personality Worship
    Episode 2. Concealed "Heredity"
    Episode 3. The shudder of nuclear development

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges [Daolan] NHK Documentary: North Korea Documentary , Thank you very much!
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