[Mandarin Chinese characters] Douban high scoring documentary top250 16th: The First Season of the World (2016) 10 episodes in HD

    Documentary recommendation Documentary Home Four years ago (2020-07-13) 6427 views

     [Mandarin Chinese characters] Douban high score documentary top250 16th: The first season of the world (2016) 10 episodes of HD pictures

    Type: documentary
    Produced by: Mainland China
    Language: Mandarin
    First broadcast: 2016-06-11 (Mainland China)
    Number of episodes: 10
    Single episode length: 45 minutes
    Also known as: Human Beings

    Introduction to the first season of the world:

    The World on Earth is a TV news documentary that takes the hospital as the shooting starting point, focuses on the major choices of doctors and patients when facing pain, life and death tests, captures the real scenes that cannot be seen by ordinary audiences through panoramic documentary photography, restores the real doctor-patient ecology, and humanizes the doctor-patient relationship, public participation, and public discussion. It is hoped that by observing the hospital as a specimen of social contradictions, we can reflect the difficult progress of building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship during the period of social change, and show a real world through empathy and goodwill expression.

    The first episode is watched online:

    Full 10 episodes Address:

    Link: https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep309046

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