[English subtitles] BBC documentary on history: The Plantagenets (2014) HD

    BBC documentary Documentary Home 4 years ago (2020-06-08) 8518 views

     [English subtitles] BBC documentary on history: The Plantagenets (2014)

    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    First broadcast: 2014-03-17 (UK)
    Number of episodes: 3
    Single episode length: 60 minutes
    Also known as The Plantagenets

    Introduction to Jinquehua Dynasty:

    The longest imperial dynasty in British history began with Henry II and ended with Richard III.
    This film tells the story of the Plantagenet Dynasty, which is the oldest dynasty in England and has produced 15 of the most famous or notorious kings. This story is full of conspiracy, conflict and cruelty, but during this period, both the English judicial system and the Parliament were established. They captured Wales and coveted Scotland. The huge royal castle shows their power, The future of the British Isles is shaped by this strange family.
    Translated by the documentary home subtitle team

    This documentary is 3 episodes in total. You have to pay to watch Migu videos. What is provided here is a summary version, which combines three episodes of wonderful content into one.

    Chinese and English subtitles HD online viewing:

    Full version 3 set address:

    Link: http://www.miguvideo.com/mgs/website/prd/detail.html?cid=638635350

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges [English subtitles] BBC documentary on history: The Plantagenets (2014) HD , Thank you very much!
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