[English] BBC Animal World Documentary - Mountain Lions: Big Cats in High Places (2015) 1 episode

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Four years ago (April 1, 2020) 4942 views

    This is a natural world documentary with a tragic ending. To some extent, this is the status quo of many species today. Please watch carefully if you like animals.

     [English] BBC Animal World Documentary - Mountain Lions: Big Cats in High Places (2015)
    Movie name: Mountain Lions: Big Cats in High Places
    Documentary type: natural scenery
    Production country/region: UK
    Douban link: 26575218
    Production year: 2015
    Number of episodes: 1
    Producer: BBC


    Pumas: large cats that live in high mountains. Cougars, pumas or mountain lions?? No matter what you call them, this large cat in North America is a beautiful creature. Sir David Attenborough tells you the dramatic story of two cougar families in the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming. The two mothers' efforts to raise their cubs give scientists an invaluable insight into the behavior of these elusive carnivores.

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