[National Geographic] Uterus Diary: In the Womb: Multiple HD 720P subtitles

    National Geography Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-07-01) 8840 views 0 comments

     [National Geographic] Uterus Diary: In the Womb: Multiple HD 720P
    Director: Lorne Townend
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: America
    Language: English
    Release date: 2007
    Length: 45 minutes

    Also known as: Uterine Diary: Identical twins/In The Womb Id

    The documentary Douban scored 8.9 points, which seems to be a good work.

    In a world where most people are singletons, identical twins stimulate our imagination. But for scientists, the most interesting thing is not their similarities, but their differences. Twins with great physiological differences provide scientists with excellent research materials, because they can reveal facts about human characteristics, such as fingerprints, intelligence, diseases and even the formation of sexual orientation.

    Twins are the closest to the existence of human replicators in nature. Their identical genetic structure is a great wonder of human reproduction. The similarities between twins are staggering. Even identical twins who separated at birth often lead very similar lives, do the same work, and have the same tastes and hobbies.

    But identical twins also have something unexpected. The progress of genetic science tells us that identical twins are not as similar as we thought. Using cutting-edge 4D ultrasound scanning of the uterus, scientific high-precision visual effects and specially photographed microscopic images, we will reveal the unknown process during the development of twins.

    After the formation of identical embryos, two embryos will embark on different paths. The imbalance of nutrition or development space absorbed, the different amounts of hormones exposed, the small changes in the hypergene map, and even the subtle differences in the genome will all cause subtle and obvious differences between twins. After the birth, the twins will embark on the next stage of their life journey. Due to the impact of different experiences during their growth, their differences will further increase. These differences give us more opportunities to answer some questions deeply related to human beings. The research on identical twins makes us more deeply understand that the uniqueness of each person is the result of the interaction of gene structure, congenital and acquired environment.


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