10 episodes of CCTV documentary "New Silk Road", high-definition 720P Chinese English Japanese trilingual Baidu online disk

    CCTV documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (June 29, 2015) 11024 views 0 comments

     Full 10 episodes of CCTV documentary "New Silk Road" HD 720P Chinese English Japanese trilingual Baidu online disk pictures

    Title of documentary: New Silk Road
    Number of episodes: 10
    First broadcast time: March 10, 2006
    First broadcast channel: CCTV-1
    Origin: China Mainland
    Director: Wei Dajun
    Produced by: CCTV special program
    Category: Humanistic history reappears the solemn and stirring ancient battlefield, explores the mysterious ancient trade routes, and reappears the magnificent ancient civilization.

    The New Silk Road is an important cooperation project between China and Japan's national radio and television institutions at the beginning of the new century. Twenty five years ago, the Sino Japanese co production of "The Silk Road" had a profound impact on the history of documentary films in China, and also caused great repercussions internationally. Many people really learned about the western region of China and this famous ancient business road in the world history from the film, which has set off an upsurge of understanding China in Japan and other countries, It has played a positive role in promoting the development and construction of northwest China.

    The "New Silk Road" shot this time is no longer a documentary report along the ancient Silk Road, but selected 10 sites with different cultural characteristics along the Silk Road, including the ruins of Loulan Ancient City, Hotan, Dunhuang, and other sites for in-depth excavation and reporting. Each site has its own chapter. The film crew traveled tens of thousands of kilometers in Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai and other places, visited museums in more than 10 countries, including Sweden, Britain, Russia, Germany, Japan and so on, obtained valuable information such as the diary and road map of western explorers in that year, and photographed some cultural relics and many new archaeological discoveries that have never been disclosed.


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