[Chinese characters in Mandarin] Historical mystery documentary: Lost Cities of the Ancients, three episodes in HD 720P download

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Six years ago (2018-08-05) 17974 views

     [Chinese characters in Mandarin] Historical mystery documentary: Lost Cities of the Ancients, a lost ancient civilization of the BBC
    Type: documentary/history
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    First broadcast: September 4, 2006
    Number of episodes: 3
    Single episode length: 59 minutes
    Also known as: Lost Ancient Civilization/BBC: Lost Ancient City

    BBC documentary Lost Ancient Civilization, 3 episodes in total. CCTV Mandarin pronunciation version, Mandarin Chinese characters. Mkv format, resolution 1280 × 720, high-definition image quality.

    Introduction to the disappeared ancient civilization:

    Piramesse, the capital of ancient Egypt, was built 3000 years ago by the Pharaoh Ramesses the Great. When this lost city was found, archaeologists were puzzled because Ramesses II could not build a city here. This film reproduces the activities of ancient Egypt and early archaeologists. Let's follow in the footsteps of modern archaeologists Manfred Bietak and Edgar Pusch to see how they explain the reason for the disappearance of Pyramides and why it will appear in the wrong place thousands of years later.
    In the Lambeyeque Valley in northern Peru, there are nearly 250 pyramids built with mud bricks. Long ago, the Rambayek people had a vague fear. They believed that building pyramids was the key to their survival. In a city called Tucume, 26 pyramids stand side by side, which is the last pyramid built before the disappearance of this civilization and the peak of the entire civilization.
    What kind of fear made people here build so many pyramids, what are their functions, and why did the whole civilization suddenly disappear? Archaeologists found a large number of victims of live sacrifice in the ruins. Following these clues, the dark history of Tucume City unfolded before our eyes.
    Hittite, an ancient civilization country located in Asia Minor, rose in 2000 BC. It was originally composed of Hittite speaking Hittite people and Nexite speaking Nexite people who moved here. The New Kingdom period from the end of the 15th century BC to the middle of the 13th century BC was the most powerful period of the Hittite Kingdom, during which the Hittite Code was compiled. During the reign of King Supiruliuma I, Hittite destroyed the Mitanni Kingdom established by the Hulite people, captured Vanukanni, the capital of the Mitanni Kingdom, and supported the puppet king. His own son also became the king of some other small countries.
    Hittite fought for hegemony with Egypt in Syria during the New Kingdom. Horemheb, Ramesses I, Seti I, Ramesses II, the pharaohs in the early 19th Dynasty of Egypt, fought fiercely with Hittite. Both belligerents suffered heavy losses in the battle of Kadesh. When the new king of Hittite, Hattusili II, came into power, Hittite concluded a peace treaty with Ramesses II of Egypt in 1283 BC. In 1246 BC, King Hatuxili III adopted a policy of reconciliation and marriage, and married one of his daughters to the Egyptian Ramesses Pharaoh. Later, a sculpture found on the wall of Egypt's Karnak Temple depicts the scene of the Egyptian pharaoh marrying the Hittite Princess.
    At the end of the 13th century BC, the "Sea People" swept the eastern Mediterranean region, and the Hittite Kingdom was also dismembered. In the 8th century BC, the remaining Hittite Kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire.
    In 1834, the French Charlie Texel discovered Hattusha, the capital of the Hittite Kingdom, which had disappeared for a long time. Now archaeologists have excavated many relics here, including solid city walls, secret tunnels, temples, palaces, a large imitation pyramid building and one of the largest libraries in the ancient world.
    This film reappears the lost Hittite Kingdom and tells the whole process of the rise and destruction of the Hittite Kingdom.

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     [Chinese characters in Mandarin] Historical mystery documentary: Lost Cities of the Ancients, a lost ancient civilization of the BBC
     [Chinese characters in Mandarin] Historical mystery documentary: Lost Cities of the Ancients, a lost ancient civilization of the BBC
     [Chinese characters in Mandarin] Historical mystery documentary: Lost Cities of the Ancients Lost by BBC

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