[English subtitles] BBC Astronomical Documentary: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death BBC Horizon: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Six years ago (2018-07-19) 14009 views

     [English subtitles] BBC Astronomical Documentary: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death BBC Horizon: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    Release date: January 27, 2005
    Also known as Einstein's equation of life and death/Einstein's equation of death

    [b] BBC Horizon series: Einstein's equation of life and death Introduction: [/b]
    This documentary is a documentary released by the BBC Horizon series about Albert Einstein, a great scientist and physicist who created a new era of modern science, and his famous mass energy equation: "E=MC ^ 2". This film reproduces how the equation of life and death, which opens the door to the atomic age, has changed history and Einstein's life forever.
    On the eve of World War II in 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to American President Franklin Roosevelt about the application of Einstein's most famous equation "E=MC ^ 2". His concern was that the Nazis would use it to build the atomic bomb. However, what he feared happened. His letter triggered a series of events that led to the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Einstein later said that writing this letter was a mistake in his life.
    This extremely creative ultimate equation has brought about a real scientific revolution, and of course, has plunged mankind into an unprecedented disaster. In order to redeem the abuse of this devastating equation, one of his last acts was to sign a public statement calling on world leaders to end the war.

    [b] Playback screenshot: [/b]
     [English subtitles] BBC Astronomical Documentary: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death BBC Horizon: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death

     [English subtitles] BBC Astronomical Documentary: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death BBC Horizon: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death

     [English subtitles] BBC Astronomical Documentary: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death BBC Horizon: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death

     [English subtitles] BBC Astronomical Documentary: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death BBC Horizon: Einstein's Equation of Life and Death

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