Five episodes of CCTV documentary Gun

    CCTV documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-09-29) 24483 views 0 comments

     Five episodes of CCTV documentary "Gun" HD Baidu online disk download pictures
    Type: documentary
    Produced by: Mainland China
    Language: Mandarin
    Number of episodes: 5
    During the 3-year calendar of the documentary "Gun", 90 guns were shot in real time, 200 hours of materials were spent to show the guns, 1000 historical photos were taken to tell the story of the documentary gun, 3000 seconds of animation was used to make the documentary gun, 8400 shots were taken to show the story of the gun in panoramic view.

    In the ancient heroic epics, the romantic feelings of the brave warrior disappeared in the sound of mechanical shooting. For a hundred years, the pursuit of efficiency has been the pursuit of killing. Firearms are the highly crystallization of human wisdom, and also an amazing engineering miracle. The documentary "Gun" draws on the concept of similar foreign documentaries, takes the army firearms as the main introduction object, takes the legendary stories of old guns and new guns in China and around the world as the entry point, focuses on the reasons for the improvement and upgrading of world famous weapons, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of weapons and their impact on specific campaigns, and reveals the relationship between war, weapons and technology.

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges Five episodes of CCTV documentary Gun , Thank you very much!
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