BBC documentary: Lost Land of the Volcano HD 720P download

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-09-02) 8331 views 0 comments

     BBC documentary: Lost Land of the Volcano
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: UK
    Language: English
    Release date: 2009
    Length: 60

    Comments from netizens:

    Rose of Time 2014-11-01

    Nature is incomparably charming. It's so beautiful that I can't bear to fast forward for a second. There are several beautiful sections that make me cry. In addition, I don't think bugs are disgusting at all. In the eyes of scientists and explorers, their existence is so exciting. Life is more interesting with curiosity and awe.

    A team from the Natural History Department of the BBC carried out a travel and investigation activity in a little-known tropical rainforest in Papua New Guinea in order to shoot the TV series Lost? Land? Of? The? Volcano.

    In the remote Mount Bosavi Mountains of Papua New Guinea, scientists found an isolated biological habitat after the volcanic eruption 200000 years ago. In this mysterious habitat, scientists found a new species of mammals: Bosavi Woolly Rat. As one of the largest mice in the world at present, its appearance is not different from that of ordinary mice. It is about 87cm long from beginning to end and weighs more than 1 . 3 kg. This kind of mouse has a thick silvery gray fur and sharp teeth. It is basically vegetarian and can build nests in tree holes or underground. Moreover, this mouse is a "friendly" species, which is very "unbelievably" tame. When scientists found it, it was eating a leaf. The scientist sighed: "It has never seen humans. Bosavi crater is really isolated from the world."

    During the expedition, British scientists also found about 40 other new species. These include geckos that can camouflage, caterpillars with fine burrs, frogs with fangs, fish that can make sounds from swim bladders, strange bats, spiders, etc.

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges BBC documentary: Lost Land of the Volcano HD 720P download , Thank you very much!
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