BBC large-scale documentary: Frozen Planet 7 episodes, Mandarin HD online viewing and Blu ray 720P download

    BBC documentary Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-28) 95722 views 1 comment

    Episode III: Polar Summer

    It's midsummer and there's no sunset. A large number of animals who come here to relieve the heat will perform a lifelong drama on this long and magical day. They should seize this short time to hunt, fight and feed their offspring. Summer is a difficult time for the polar bear family. Their ice and snow world melted, and the bear began his first swimming lesson. Some bears snooze in the sun to preserve their strength, while some bears go to their nesting areas to steal birds' eggs, fearing the attack of arctic terns' beaks. On this frozen tundra, there was a larger battle. A calf was besieged by a group of Arctic wolves and was on the verge of life and death. A group of musk oxen rushed to save the calf. However, summer also brings accidents. 400000 emperor penguins face an unexpected problem - the heat of summer. Adult penguins surf in the water, while the fluffy little penguins can only roll in the ice mud to cool down. Nearby, a high seas dog was ready to fight his opponent to the death. The puppies tried their best to resist the powerful opponents, and the dog's hair flew all over the sky. Further south, a minke whale was killed by a killer whale family in the ice floe. This thrilling life and death chase lasted for two hours, and this scene has never been filmed. The killer whale kept torturing the minke whale and took turns to drag it underwater. The funny looking Adelei penguins returned to the camp on time. There were about 500000 penguins in the camp. The fluffy penguins need constant feeding and protection, because the thief like skuas are hovering above. Once the penguin is robbed, there will be a scramble in the air.

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges BBC large-scale documentary: Frozen Planet 7 episodes, Mandarin HD online viewing and Blu ray 720P download , Thank you very much!
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    (1) A little friend is complaining
    1. The killer whale is so cute
      wangchu 2016-04-09 00:00