[Story] Defense lawyer The Defenders 18 episodes HD 720P 360 cloud disk download

    Classic American Drama Documentary Home Nine years ago (2015-08-28) 14363 views 0 comments

     [Story] Defense lawyer The Defenders 18 episodes HD 720P 360 cloud disk download pictures
    Starring: Jerry O'Connell/James Berush/Gillian Wegman/Juni Smollett/Tanya Fischer
    Type: plot
    Production country/region: America
    Language: English
    First broadcast: September 22, 2010
    Number of episodes: 18
    Single episode length: 60 minutes

    Comments from Douban netizens:

    Sweet Fragment 2010-10-13 15:59:20

    I have only watched three episodes so far, and I feel that the rhythm is still very fast. Each episode is very compact, and the speaking speed is relatively fast. It is more comfortable to watch with bilingual subtitles. It is mainly two male lawyers and a new female lawyer. There are about two cases in each episode, including more just cases, more relaxed cases and lawyers' private lives. It's not too serious on the whole. It seems very relaxed. Las Vegas, very good. It means that everyone fights wits and braves, finds details, and never misses any opportunity. Dealing with prosecutors and judges..

    Jasmine 2010-12-12 17:56:49

    I've watched 5 episodes. It's pretty good. I like the two leading men, but I don't like the new female lawyer. The performance is stiff. I like that Peter dumped that meredith, but I don't know what will happen later

    Brief introduction of defense counsel:

    The story takes place in the bustling Las Vegas. Nick (James Belushi, James Belushi) and Peter (Jerry O'Connell, Jerry O'Connell) are two experienced lawyers who are active in the local area. They jointly founded a joint law firm, which is very popular.

    Nick is rigorous and serious. As long as he takes over the case, he can always get a satisfactory result to the client. He really loves the profession of lawyer and hopes to become a leader in the industry. Peter, on the contrary, became a lawyer for one reason only, that is, he earned more. When he took up the case, he always looked at money. For Nick, work was just a sideline, and enjoying life was the right way of life. What kind of interesting chemical reaction will two men with different personalities produce when they work together?

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges [Story] Defense lawyer The Defenders 18 episodes HD 720P 360 cloud disk download , Thank you very much!
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