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How much does WeChat applet development cost? We are still good at developing small programs. Only from January to June 2018, we successfully launched 85 small programs for catering, shopping malls, puzzle groups and display. How much does it cost to develop a mall app with good user experience, complete functions and strong design sense?

The cost of designing small programs is mainly labor input: product manager+designer+programmer+tester. If your requirements are clear enough, product managers can be dispensed with, but designers and programmers must be. The former is responsible for the design of page UI, and the latter is responsible for back-end development.

In addition, if you outsource small programs, it will be cheaper to find service providers in remote places such as Gansu and Anhui, because local salaries are relatively low. If you find a service provider in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the price will be higher, but the quality of the applet will be better, because they have mastered the cutting-edge technology.

Let's take Xi'an Sotubao as an example to calculate how much it costs to develop a mall applet?

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The first is the template applet, which is relatively simple, cheap, and quick to go online. Generally, it can be completed within one week from purchase to official use, starting from 1800;

The second kind: customized small programs. The price is determined according to the functions you need. The more complex the functions are, the higher the price will be. The quotation of Xi'an Sotubao is calculated according to the working hours of the function input you need, which is fair and transparent. The general price is 6800;

The price and precautions for developing an applet are analyzed as follows:

Most of the people who make small programs in the mall are the owners of physical stores. They don't have a technical team, so they need to outsource the small programs. However, before outsourcing, you need to think clearly about your demands, just like when you want to buy a computer, first you have a spectrum in your mind:

Do you want a desktop or a laptop?

Is it for office use or for playing games?

What price do you need? You can't buy a proper computer without knowing this in advance. Therefore, the quotation for WeChat applet development of mall type is determined by your needs.

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Taking Xi'an Sotubao as an example, before developing a WeChat mall applet, we will evaluate and measure the function of the applet, the effect achieved, and the required quality of the overall applet, and then give a quotation.

In the same WeChat mall, due to different structure, function, design, complexity of the whole program, security and other factors, the price of WeChat mall applet development is different.

Therefore, in order to quickly understand and develop a mall like applet, the demander needs to have a comprehensive plan and idea on this aspect. If you want to achieve what effects and functions, you can fully understand your own needs, so that the development company can quickly give you an accurate quotation.

Select the precautions of the applet service provider and click on the blackboard:

Customers who want to develop WeChat mall apps should be aware of the following points when choosing a development company:

Team size and strength of the company;

Development experience, which can reflect the strength of the development company through the number of cases and difficulty coefficient in the past; In terms of the design expertise of the scheme, a good scheme directly determines the final success or failure of the entire mall small program project;

It is necessary to know whether the development process is professional and whether the formal company has customized development. There are strict processes from demand communication, UEUI production, code implementation and software testing. Only in this way can the development cycle and quality of WeChat small programs be guaranteed.

Finally, whether the quotation is reasonable or not can be compared with many companies to finally choose the one that suits you.

Our company can purchase applet marketing activity tools separately, professional and easy-to-use WeChat applet template, easy to use background operation, DIY editing operation, and quick build your own applet. It has complete marketing functions, and can help merchants sell goods efficiently through group bargaining and quick distribution.

With years of experience in website construction, we insist on“ Help small and medium-sized enterprises realize online marketing ”For the purpose, we have provided more than 4000 customers with quality station building services, which has been well received by customers. If you have requirements for website construction, website revision, domain name registration, host space, mobile website construction, website filing, etc
Please click to consult us or call the hotline: eighteen billion six hundred and twenty-nine million eighty-four thousand five hundred and twenty-eight We will answer your questions one by one in detail. Project Manager Online

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