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In 2022, we believe that we can create greater online marketing prices for you!

In terms of website optimization, Website optimization That is, the operation of seo not only solves various problems inside and outside the website, but also optimizes the website, bringing benefits to the enterprise. This is the same as seeing a doctor. It needs a website optimized seo scheme that can quickly and effectively catch the root of the problem and solve the problem.

So, Website optimization seo What kind of investigation and analysis is needed for the plan? Which seo plan is the best quality plan? Here is Sotubao Network Analysis of seo website optimization program.

1. Website overview analysis

Website summary refers to the collation and analysis of web pages, with the focus on comprehensively and clearly recording the basic information of web pages. These factors include domain name analysis (domain name related, easy to remember, usage time, penalty record, etc.), server stage (configurable server IP, speed, contribution), number of server sites, server site quality, etc.), and site positioning is ultimately the positioning point of the site itself.

 Seo optimization

2. Off station analysis

Conduct external analysis on the website's collection, update status, industry profile, competitor websites, etc., analyze keywords, target keywords, core keywords, etc., pay attention to the overall development trend of the industry at any time, and make strategic adjustments according to the current and possible future situations.

3. Website internal analysis

In a word, the content of analysis in the website is the most, which is inevitable. In site analysis, you need to analyze file names, keywords, site structure, site navigation, content and style, label settings, etc. Whether the default file is the website home page, whether to jump, whether the link address on the home page is unique, the target file, the number of long tail keywords, accuracy, relevance, access method, etc.

In addition, on for Website Design In the SEO scheme, the website structure should not only conduct a comprehensive structural analysis, but also consider the links between link pages and columns, the use of web multimedia, and the content styles related to pictures.

 Seo optimization

Site navigation is an important part of site optimization, which provides users with a better way to obtain the information they need. When generating a website optimization seo scheme, you need to Navigation anchor text Anchor Text Keyword , navigation primary and secondary, keywords, etc.

A complete Optimization scheme It requires analysis and design in many aspects, from competitors to the website itself, from the inside to the outside of the website, from text to web pages, from keywords to spiders. Through comprehensive analysis of each link, our Website SEO optimization scheme Can be reasonably and perfectly implemented.

With years of experience in website construction, we insist on“ Help small and medium-sized enterprises realize online marketing ”For the purpose, we have provided more than 4000 customers with quality station building services, which has been well received by customers. If you have requirements for website construction, website revision, domain name registration, host space, mobile website construction, website filing, etc
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