Global marketing+short video proxy operation

In 2022, we believe that we can create greater online marketing prices for you!

Website construction

Quick template website construction individual nature

Station building positioning
A website construction scheme suitable for start-ups with less investment, short cycle and fast website construction to enhance the corporate image
Price range
one thousand two hundred and eighty RMB/about
Preferential information
Send 500M ECS+domain name (optional)
Production cycle
5-7 days
Customized website
Contact online customer service
Tips: Full background management, easy for novices to operate one Function configuration description
Consultant: 17792078609
The company solemnly promises: All design works are original UI design, pay attention to image copyright, comply with the advertising law, and refuse to infringe!
project explain remarks
Domain name registration . com/. net/. cn/. org Other types of domain names need to be compensated
Web server Alibaba Cloud/Tencent Cloud/Baidu Cloud Server, stable speed, no filing The host capacity can be increased according to the actual situation.
renewal fee 4980 yuan/year, including domain name renewal for one year, server renewal for one year, website maintenance You can renew for 3 or 5 years at a lower price!
Navigation column Navigation column, in the format of: home page, company introduction, product center, news center, talent recruitment, data download, online message, contact us It can be divided into two levels, pull-down special effects, data download, etc
Design Criteria Basic designer design (1) Template library selection (2) Customer provides reference website (3) Our company provides mature industry cases Template center
data input Input website product pictures (within 450), news articles and company profiles
Function description
  • Home page

  • Company Profile

  • Product display

  • Case presentation

  • news information

  • invite to one 's side men of wisdom and valor

  • File download

  • Video playback

  • contact us

  • QQ customer service/WeChat

  • Online Message

  • Flow statistics

notes: Not limited to the above sections, customers can put forward their own customized needs and adjust the columns according to their own conditions

back-stage management: Release, modification and deletion functions can be realized through the background system; Product release and classification management, news management system, enterprise management release, case management, message management, etc.

Discount: All signed customers can get a value of 1200 yuan/mailbox, effectively improving the corporate image;

Columns can be adjusted according to their own conditions
Website filing Assist customers to handle ICP filing, without the need for customers to travel around, our company is the sole agent! (No cost for the whole journey)
Promotion and optimization The website system and front page code are conducive to SEO optimization, and free BAIDU optimization service guidance is provided to ensure Baidu's inclusion (ranking is not promised)
Value added services 1. Add language version: 40%
2. Website logo design: from 500 yuan/piece
3. Website space expansion: communicate with customer service
4. E-mail application: communicate with customer service.
5. SEO keyword optimization: communicate with customer service.
Negotiate according to the actual needs of customers
payment method Sign the Website Construction Contract and pay 50% of the advance payment, and pay the balance after the website is delivered
1. Our company in Beijing can pay cash, online transfer, check, etc. when arranging technology door-to-door contract signing
2. Non local customers can pay by bank remittance, Alipay, WeChat, etc
Please refer to the Website Construction Contract for the specific payment method
About Invoices After the website is checked and accepted, it will be issued before the end of the month when the balance payment is paid off and mailed to the customer company Expense includes VAT invoice
Tips: Full background management, easy for novices to operate two Server parameters
project explain remarks
operating system Linux system It can be selected according to the customer's intention
Space size Alibaba Cloud server with 5G capacity and gigabit bandwidth, stable speed, and assistance in ICP filing The host capacity can be increased according to the actual situation.
Database type MySql/MSsql Host capacity can be increased according to the actual situation
Database size 200M
Script support Html, WAP, ASP,. NET (1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5)/PERL5, PHP4, 5 switch
Monthly flow unlimited
IIS Concurrency eight hundred
Number of subdirectory bindings 20
Tips: Full background management, easy for novices to operate three Website production process
  • Customer service communication

  • Offer

  • Sign the contract

  • Front end production

  • Backstage development

  • Whole station test

  • Launch

  • After sales maintenance

four Data to be provided

Enterprise introduction: such as company profile, environmental pictures, etc

Enterprise LOGO: If the enterprise does not have a LOGO, the position of the LOGO will be directly replaced by the full name of the company

Contact information: e.g. company telephone, email, contact QQ, company address, etc

Product data: such as product name, product description, product picture, etc

Enterprise news: if the enterprise has no relevant news, it will be directly replaced by the industry news of its industry

Other data: qualification and honor, industry related data

Customers who have domain names also need to provide background passwords for domain names

five after-sale service

Website tutorial: provide website background operation training; Website Background Operation Manual

Data security: regular backup of website data

Network security: background account password reset; Website background path modification

Search submission: all major search engine platforms log in and submit to ensure that new stations can search in the short term;

Vulnerability repair: prevent hackers from intruding into the website, and check whether the website functions and links are wrong.

Customer service online: 7 * 24 hours remote technical support

Renewal maintenance: domain name space mailbox renewal maintenance for the next year

Program maintenance: details modified 10 times/year

The fees are transparent, the old and the young are honest, and the customers are not fooled six Cost composition

Planning and art design: 50%

Front end and interactive production: 20%

Program code writing: 20%

Domain name and host: 8%

Other expenses: 2%

The fees are transparent, the old and the young are honest, and the customers are not fooled seven Recommended boutique cases
For more cases, please contact customer service

Choose us to help your enterprise set sail!

Over the years, we have been serving every customer with sincerity and responsibility

We firmly believe that: treat customers well, will become lifelong customers. We can persist for many years because we are always trustworthy. We never cheat on our first visit to customers, nor have we received any complaints from customers. We work hard to do our job and never forget our original intention.

Want to be a website? Choose us
How to select website construction service providers

Whether to provide three elements of website?! Do you have strength?! Source code development?! Does your website rank?!
The background strength of the brand can be compared from the computer room resource level, IDC service qualification, enterprise entity, after-sales service ability, industrial customer cases, etc.
Consider from multiple perspectives, such as finding that the qualification is not complete, outsourcing companies, and operation and maintenance capabilities are not strong enough.

Service Items Sotubao Network Other service providers
Entity or not Entity companies, available from the Administration for Industry and Commerce, welcome to visit the company Individual website building, picture infringement, midway price increase, after-sales loss of contact
after-sale service To build a website is to provide services to solve the after-sales problems of network companies The website cannot be used because no one can be found after the deal is completed
Coding method Self developed CMS (own cms9.0 software copyright), copyright protection The program downloaded from the Internet is applied with CMS source code, which is worrying in the later stage
Code given or not Provide website design, source code and FTP at any time 95% of companies do not provide source code
Domain name ownership It is owned by the customer and can be transferred at any time The domain name is purchased on behalf of the customer but does not belong to the customer, so the management right is not provided.
Space/Server Alibaba Cloud/Western Data Partner Agent Bad server, unstable, slow, bad for ranking
Website scalability Source code development, expandable and secondary development Template application, which cannot be expanded later
Website optimization ranking Natural ranking is good, and many keywords occupy the home page of Baidu You don't rank yourself, and then fool customers into ranking
Website filing Formal ICP filing process, one pass Non professional, unqualified data review, return
Outsourcing not outsourcing Contracted projects are never outsourced, and they are responsible to customers in the end There is no technical personnel, the project is completely outsourced, and the operation and maintenance risks are great
It is not difficult to build a website, but the difficult thing is the warm service and technical support as always!!!
What else can we do?

What you have is not just a website, but a full range of Internet services

We are ready, and you?

2020 We will work with you to win together and protect your corporate image!

  • Online Service
    contact information


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    Company Phone

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    Online Message