Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office Hot Topics
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100th anniversary of the founding of the Party
Let the original intention pass on, and take the mission on the shoulder forever - the second party branch
Create a century of brilliance, write a great cause for thousands of years - warmly commemorate the Chinese Communist Party
"Make unremitting efforts and strive forever" - General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the "
Xi Jinping: In the "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
The Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee announced the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
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Theme publicity of national unity and progress
The 6th National Ethnic Minority Literature and Art Festival closed in Beijing, and our province participated in two performances
Let the flower of national unity and progress flourish forever
Compose the movement of the harmonious and progressive era of the Chinese national family - Qinghai Province
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Taking history as a mirror and creating a future - The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office set off an upsurge of learning and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee
Constantly draw forward strength from the historical experience of the Party's centennial struggle
Deeply understand the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and constantly promote foreign affairs
Deeply learn and understand the spirit of the plenary session and work together to do a good job in "four foreign affairs"
Discussion Experience of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee
Draw on the Endeavour to Take the Road to the New Era
Adhere to the supremacy of the people and practice foreign affairs for the people
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Focus on the 14th Provincial Party Congress
The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office organized to watch the opening ceremony of the 14th Provincial Party Congress on TV
Study and convey the spirit of the Party Congress and strengthen the construction of the organization work of the organs
Rely on the advantages of foreign affairs resources to help the strategy of strengthening the province with talents
Seriously implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress and strive to speed up the construction of
Inject strong foreign affairs impetus into Qinghai's economic and social development
Deeply study and understand the spirit and implement the measures - Provincial Foreign Affairs Office
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2022 Qinghai Ecological Civilization International Exchange and Cooperation Forum
Harmonious coexistence with the river source - 2022 Qinghai ecological civilization international exchange
"Harmonious coexistence with the river source" 2022 Qinghai ecological civilization international exchange
Multi country envoys gathered at the "China Water Tower" to seek ecological cooperation
Looking into the bright future of world ecological civilization from the "source of three rivers"
"Harmonious coexistence with the river source" 2022 Qinghai ecological civilization international exchange
Deepen cooperation and create the future - all regions actively carry out foreign exchanges
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Study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress
Cultivate the awareness of struggle and improve the ability of struggle
Study the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and strengthen the Party building
Unite and strive for the future
Never forget the original intention, remember the mission, and work tirelessly to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
Practise hard work and make new contributions to foreign affairs
Experience from studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
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Qingfeng Foreign Affairs
Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office Holds Warning Education Conference
Strictly observe discipline and rules, build a strong ideological defense line - the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office has carried out in-depth
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Strengthen political "three forces" to promote high-quality development of foreign affairs
The Seventh Party Branch of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office organized to learn from General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech
Learning from the leader's speech, forging the loyalty of foreign affairs, seeking the development of Qinghai - Provincial Foreign Affairs Office held
"Mingli", firm in "four self-confidence" and "practice" anchor foreign affairs responsibility
Deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and strive to promote
Study hard, think hard and work hard - the Seventh Party Branch deeply studies and implements Xi Jinping
When General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberation of the Qinghai delegation
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two sessions(NPC and CPPCC)
The second session of the 14th National People's Congress closed in Beijing and approved the government work report
Seize the opportunity and work hard - to make suggestions on behalf of the members to promote better Hong Kong and Macao
Closing of the Second Session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Cai
Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, commented on the
The Qinghai delegation held an open delegation meeting. Chen Gang and Wu Xiaojun answered the reporter
Members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in Qingdao carefully reviewed the work report of the CPPCC Standing Committee
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Beautiful Qinghai
2023 Ecological Civilization International Exchange and Cooperation Forum
2023 Ecological Civilization International Exchange and Cooperation Forum
China (Qinghai) International Ecological Expo
Hong Kong Teenagers' Great Beauty Tour in Qinghai
"The story of the Communist Party of China - Xi Jinping New Era Society with Chinese Characteristics
"The story of the Communist Party of China - Xi Jinping New Era Society with Chinese Characteristics
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Party history study and education
New Year's greetings warm the hearts of the people and unite the efforts to revitalize the province's foreign affairs office
Learning History for the People and Practicing the Original Intent - The Party Branch of the Foreign Affairs Management Office held a foreign
The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing under the auspices of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee
Special draft: continue to struggle, take a good road to the new era - written in the party's
The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Love the Party, Love the Country, Create the Future - The Seventh Party Branch launched the "First School..."
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Learning Garden
Deeply implement the spirit of the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference and constantly create a Chinese special
Prospects for China's Peripheral Foreign Policy in the New Era
Xi Jinping opened the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
We must uphold the equality of all ethnic groups
Must adhere to the correct historical view of the Chinese nation
Strengthen solidarity and cooperation and seek common development in Asia
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Education with the theme of "never forget the original intention and remember the mission"
Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office organized party members and cadres to visit Qinghai Liberation 70
The Eighth Party Branch of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office held a meeting "Never forget the original intention and remember the mission"
The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Foreign Affairs Office of Qinghai Province has held meetings to exchange training
Ask for opinions and suggestions face to face and share experiences
Review the problem, find the gap, rectify and implement, promote the first party branch to hold the party
Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office held the "Emancipation of the Mind, Reform and Innovation..."
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Constitutional Learning Column
Take multiple measures to cover the whole area, highlight the key points, and focus on the implementation - the first "constitution declaration..."
Promote law popularization to take the lead in constitutional study
Be unswervingly a practitioner of the implementation of the Constitution
Let the spirit of constitution be rooted in the heart
Our province will carry out a series of theme publicity and education activities
Set off the upsurge of constitutional propaganda, so that the spirit of the Constitution is rooted in the hearts of the people
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"Two learning and one doing" learning education
The fourth party branch and the tenth party branch carried out the activities of twinning, helping and comforting
Don't forget the original intention, remember the mission, inherit the red gene - Provincial Foreign Affairs Office
The Seventh Party Branch carried out in-depth study of the "Disciplinary Rules of the Communist Party of China"
The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office carried out in-depth anti-corruption warning education activities
Seeking the Right Way to Prosperity by Jointly Seeking Poverty Alleviation Plan - the 6th, 7th and 9th Provincial Foreign Affairs Office
Do not forget the original intention, remember the mission, and strive forever - the Seventh Party Branch started
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Study and implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress
The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office studies and implements the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress