Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office - Firming Cultural Confidence, "Exposing" to the Great Beauty of Qinghai - Party branch of the Party Committee (discipline inspection commission) of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and the Party branch of the Foreign Service Department Jointly carry out theme party day activities
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Firming Cultural Confidence and "Exposing" Qinghai
- Party branch of the Party Committee (discipline inspection commission) of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and the Party branch of the Foreign Service Department
Jointly carry out theme party day activities
Source: Time: April 30, 2024

In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought, further combine foreign affairs work with the practice of inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture, and combine with the external dissemination of diversified cultures with Qinghai characteristics On the afternoon of April 26, the Foreign Service Party Branch of the Certificate Making Department went to the Qinghai Provincial Museum to carry out the party day activity themed "Strengthening Cultural Confidence, 'Exposing' the Great Beauty of Qinghai".

The "1+3" theme exhibition of the Provincial Museum shows the cultural heritage of Qinghai's historical development and the characteristics of diversified regional culture in an all-round way. The intangible cultural heritage with rich and colorful forms and distinctive national characteristics enables each party member to deeply understand the significance of cultural self-confidence, more deeply understand the essence of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, and have a deeper understanding and grasp of "culture exchanges due to diversity, mutual learning due to exchange, and development due to mutual learning", Further stimulate the simple feelings of "love Qinghai, understand Qinghai, and prosper Qinghai", more firmly take root in Qinghai, make hard contributions, and unswervingly carry out the original mission.

The Party branch of the organ party committee (organ discipline inspection commission) and the party branch of the certificate making and foreign service will continue to build a dam of cultural confidence, base on Qinghai, look at the world, adhere to the combination of learning, thinking and application, focus on the development of foreign affairs in Qinghai, base on the actual situation of the province, tap the characteristics of plateau culture, take cultural innovation as an important carrier of cultural transmission, and jointly explore cultural empowerment gifts for foreign affairs with the provincial museum, Through "small gifts", "Qinghai element" is reflected, "Qinghai voice" is transmitted, "Qinghai story" is told, and the overall diplomacy of the country is served, so that foreign friends can truly experience the cultural charm of modern new Qinghai, and continue to help the foreign affairs work of our province to achieve stability and success. (Contributing Office: Foreign Service Party Branch for Certificate Preparation)