WordPress-first cloud hosting

 WordPress logo, a circular icon with a stylized ‘W’ in the center.
 Bluehost logo, a square blue icon with four white quadrants forming a plus sign.
 Newspack logo, a stylized, minimalistic icon representing a stack of newspapers.

What does WP Cloud enable you to do?

Ready to grow your revenue and give your clients the best WordPress experience possible?

Got Questions?

  • Can plans be customized according to our needs, such as the number of CPUs, PHP workers, or storage?

    Yes, our pricing model allows partners to customize plans according to the number of PHP workers and the amount of storage needed.

  • How much memory is included in WP Cloud plans?

    We provide 512 MB of memory per PHP worker.

  • Are any plugins bundled with WP Cloud?

    Yes, both Akismet and Jetpack are bundled with WP Cloud. We do not enforce these to be activated for all sites but both are highly recommended.

  • Can WP Cloud partners create packages to sell to their customers that have specific PHP worker and storage limits?

    Yes, WP Cloud partners can leverage our API to design customized packages that feature PHP worker limits (up to ten), dynamic worker bursting capabilities of up to 110 workers, and scalable storage options.

  • When a site grows beyond a pricing tier, am I required to reprovision?

    Sites can have their characteristics changed and/or limited in place; there is no need to re-provision a site.

    Disk quota:

    • Can be increased up to 200 GB (more if needed).
    • Can be decreased so long as the amount of disk space already in use does not exceed the new limit; for example, if a site is using 10 GB, it cannot have its disk quota set to 8 GB.

    PHP workers:

    • Can be increased up to 10 (the system default), which allows bursting. Higher settings available based on need as well.
    • Can be decreased to 2, which will limit workers for the site.