Archives: Documentations

Bypass Ad Blockers

The “Bypass Ad Blockers” feature, introduced in WP Statistics version 14.8, helps ensure accurate tracking by bypassing ad blockers. This feature is disabled by default. How to Enable How It Works When enabled, this feature moves the WP Statistics tracking script to your uploads folder with a unique name. This makes it harder for ad […]

WP Consent Level Integration

The WP Consent API has been added to WP Statistics (since v14.8) in order to enhance user privacy and comply with various data protection regulations. The WP Statistics tracking is only activated based on the user’s chosen consent category in this integration, which respects user consent preferences. Integration Categories WP Statistics can be configured to […]

Enabling Author Support for Your Post Types

To ensure accurate author performance data in the WP Statistics plugin, your post types need to support authors. This guide will help you enable author support for your custom post types. Using register_post_type When you register a post type using the register_post_type function, you can specify the support for authors in the supports parameter. Here’s […]

Disable the FeedbackBird Widget

The FeedbackBird widget is a third-party service used for gathering user feedback within the WordPress admin interface. By default, this widget is enabled, but you can disable it using the wp_statistics_enable_feedbackbird filter. Disabling the Widget To disable the FeedbackBird widget, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin: Filter Details […]

Disable the “Your IP Information” Section in Settings

The “Your IP Information” section in the WP Statistics plugin, located at Settings → IP Detection → Your IP Information, can be disabled using a WordPress filter. Follow these steps to apply the necessary filter: Access the Theme’s functions.php File: Add the Custom Filter: Copy and paste the following code snippet into the functions.php file: […]

Track UTM Parameters

With UTM parameters, you can track traffic sources like social media, email campaigns, and more in the WP Statistics plugin. UTM parameters are simple codes added to URLs that provide insights into your marketing efforts. This guide shows you how to view and customize UTM tracking in WP Statistics. Viewing UTM Campaign Reports This data […]

Third-Party Services in WP Statistics for Website Owners

The WP Statistics plugin integrates several third-party services and libraries to enhance functionality and provide valuable features to users. Additionally, when using premium add-ons, specific data is sent to for update checks. Below is a detailed overview of these third-party services, libraries, and the data shared for premium add-ons. Third-Party Services FeedbackBird Ipify Referrer […]

Privacy Audit

The Privacy Audit feature in WP Statistics 14.7 is designed to ensure that your use of WP Statistics is aligned with the best privacy practices. This tool audits the WP Statistics settings on your WordPress site to verify that they are configured in a privacy-friendly manner, especially when adjustments could potentially capture personally identifiable information […]

Enhancing Data Accuracy

At WP Statistics, we are dedicated to providing you with the most accurate and reliable website analytics. However, you might occasionally notice discrepancies in traffic data when comparing WP Statistics to other analytics Operating Systems like Google Analytics (GA4). This guide will help you address and correct such discrepancies to ensure that your data tracking […]

Managing URL Query Parameters

By default, we exclude all parameters to ensure a clean and relevant dataset, with the exception of a predefined set that is commonly used for tracking marketing campaigns and site performance. Default Parameters The default parameters that WP Statistics retains for tracking purposes are as follows: These parameters are widely recognized and used for analytics […]