
How to Track Visitor Statistics in Headless WordPress Themes Using WP Statistics

In today’s dynamic web development landscape, headless WordPress setups have gained immense popularity. By decoupling the front end and back end, developers can leverage modern technologies like React, Vue.js, and Angular to create interactive and highly responsive user experiences. However, tracking visitor statistics in such headless WordPress setups can be challenging. Fortunately, WP Statistics offers […]

Version 14.7: Enhanced Privacy, Better Performance

WP Statistics version 14.7 is now available! This update focuses on privacy compliance, improved user experience, and improved performance. Below is a breakdown of what’s new and improved in this version: Privacy Audit Tool Our new Privacy Audit Tool helps ensure that your website adheres to GDPR and other privacy laws. Learn more about our […]

Introducing Privacy Audit in WP Statistics 14.7

We are excited to announce a new feature in WP Statistics version 14.7: the Privacy Audit. The purpose of this feature is to make sure that your use of WP Statistics remains privacy-friendly while being fully flexible to suit your needs. Since default settings may not meet all use cases, especially when personal identifiable information […]

WP Statistics 14.6: Enhanced Performance, Precision, and User Experience

We are pleased to announce the release of WP Statistics 14.6, an update that focuses on enhancing user interaction and overall performance improvements. This latest version brings a series of upgrades designed to improve both the user interface and the plugin’s functionality. Here’s what’s new: Updated Header Area for an Improved User Experience With an […]

Important Update for WP Statistics Users: PHP Version Requirement Changes

We’re committed to providing our WP Statistics plugin users with the best experience, ensuring compatibility, security, and performance are at their peak. With technological advancements and to maintain our promise, we’re making an essential update to our PHP version requirements. New PHP Version Requirement Starting from Version 15 of the WP Statistics plugin, PHP 7.2 […]

Big News for Data Plus: Introducing Link and Download Tracking

We’ve got some exciting updates! Thanks to your suggestions, we’ve added two awesome features to the Data Plus add-on: Link Tracker and Download Tracker. These tools are all about giving you a better look at how visitors interact with your website. Here’s the lowdown on what’s new and what’s coming up. 1. Link Tracker: See […]

Introducing Enhanced URL Query Parameter Management in WP Statistics 14.5

In previous versions of WP Statistics, by default, all URL query parameters were recorded, which could sometimes lead to an overload of unnecessary data. With the introduction of Allowed Query Parameters in version 14.5, you now have the ability to specify which URL query parameters you want WP Statistics to record. This change not only […]

WP Statistics 14.4: Elevating Privacy and Performance

We’re excited to announce the release of WP Statistics 14.4, a significant update that strengthens user privacy and enhances the performance of your WordPress site. With our latest version, we’ve introduced a range of features and improvements that focus on data protection, streamlined processes, and overall optimization. Privacy Enhancements Privacy is at the forefront of […]

Enhancing Privacy with Our Updated IP Hashing Mechanism

Privacy and data protection are at the heart of everything we do. In our ongoing efforts to enhance the privacy of your website visitors while providing you with valuable insights, we’ve made an important update to our IP hashing mechanism in the latest version of WP Statistics (Version 14.4). Why We Made This Change In […]

WP Statistics’ Settings Just Got a Major Upgrade!

We’ve been busy bees, working on some exciting updates to make your experience with our plugin smoother, more intuitive, and downright enjoyable. So, A completely redesigned settings area, and freshly baked documentation that’s as helpful as it is easy to digest. Let’s dive in! Say Hello to Your New Settings Area We’ve changed how the […]