Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

2017 is a crazy year, and it is near the end.

Every year, there are many people and things worth remembering.

This year, everyone began to talk about "AI, the era of big data has come";

This year, everyone said that "the flow dividend no longer exists".

The year 2017 is coming to an end. It's time to take stock and summarize.

Every year, there will be countless products born, happening, changing and dying. 2017 is no exception.

Every inch of time is an inch of gold. I like Wang Xiao's words very much, "Remember that, the lesson about time, go back, it's already dark, and the ten inches, time and minutes you gave can be exchanged for ten inches of gold."

This year, along with the growth of the Internet, we are also growing gradually. In this article, I reviewed the ten major outlets of the Internet in this year, and share with you.

Note: The following outlets are ranked in no order

Tuyere I: bike sharing

After a year of crazy bike sharing, it also began to decline. The resources were close to Mobil and ofo, and many bike sharing companies could not escape the fate of bankruptcy. Hot money has made this category popular, but the original business model of many bike sharing cars is not clear enough, and the logic is problematic. This business model relying on "financing driven" has had an answer long ago.

At the beginning of the year, the bike sharing market was still in the state of "letting a hundred flowers bloom", and was in the stage of "insufficient colors".

 Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

Up to now, 80% of the bike sharing market has been divided by two rivals - Mobi and ofo, ofo and Mobi have become winners, and most other bike sharing markets have become cannon fodder. Embarrassed second and third tier brands ushered in the trend of bankruptcy and bankruptcy. In sharp contrast with brands such as ofo Mobil, they are helpless small and medium-sized bike sharing enterprises.

 Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

In addition, Recently, a quarterly topic has been "hot": has ofo merged with Mobil? It has also become the target of public criticism.

With the growing bubble of the sharing economy, capital is also constantly matching the marriage of ofo and Mobi. Previously, Didi Kuaidi and Meituan Volkswagen had gone the same way.

Zhu Xiaohu, one of the investors of ofo, Jinshajiang Venture Capital, has repeatedly called for the merger of the two companies. Zhu Xiaohu said that the current war situation has become more clear, and it would be meaningless to fight another war of attrition, which would cause great losses to both sides. At present, ofo and Mobil account for 95% of the whole market share, and the launch volume has been oversaturated. If you want to make a profit, it is reasonable to merge the two.

As for whether ofo and Mobil will merge in the end, we will wait and see in 2018, and the market will give us an answer.

Tuyere 2: Unmanned convenience store

While the sharing economy has not yet cooled down, the unmanned economy has begun to hit the market, and various types of unmanned factories, unmanned delivery machines, etc. have surfaced, while the number of unmanned convenience stores that are most close to people's lives and are being talked about recently is only a few.

The participation of giants has turned the scenes originally only in science fiction movies into reality, and no one convenience store has officially been put into operation. It is precisely because the convenience store model has been unfailing for a long time, and the giants have seen the trend that can be developed, and have invested heavily in entering.

 Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

In December 2016, Amazon Go of Amazon appeared. Unmanned retail was like a spark, starting a prairie fire;

In June 2017, Wahaha, which has always been based on traditional industry, also signed a Take Go Unmanned Store with Shenlan Technology, which is supported by Alibaba and develops the technology of unmanned retail stores;

In June 2017, the first Binguo Box was established in Shanghai, and EasyGo opened its first beta store in Guangzhou, and continuously launched upgraded versions;

In July 2017, Ali also came to strengthen the unmanned convenience store, presenting the landing unmanned retail plan in the flash store called "Taocoffee";

In addition, there are 24 Aigou Unmanned Convenience Stores, GOGO, F5 Future Store, Wheat, Sweeping Planet, etc., and even some upstream and downstream suppliers who cooperate with the Unmanned Stores have also emerged, such as the Fresh Picking Freezer Brand Enterprise Health Shield.

In fact, "nobody" is just a concept. What matters is the people in the core area that convenience stores can reach. The core of retail is efficiency. In addition, the timeliness of convenience stores, combined with big data analysis and self-service retail, has unlimited potential in the future.

Tuyere 3: fresh cold chain logistics

Fresh cold chain logistics also moves the fresh fruit and vegetable market from offline to online. With the entry of express giants, warehouse distribution service companies, integrated supply chain providers, etc., the logistics development is becoming increasingly perfect, and the speed and distribution services are getting better and better. With the rapid development of fresh food e-commerce, the cold chain market with a market size of nearly 340 billion has maintained a growth rate of more than 20%.

 Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

At the same time, the focus of offline physical retail of several major e-commerce companies is fresh food and large-scale physical stores. Both Hema Xiansheng and Yonghui Supermarket invested by Alibaba and Tencent are the main fresh food businesses. Meituan has launched a new integrated online and offline business - "fresh palm fish", Gaoxin retail, with RT Mart and Auchan China as the main body, has the prospect of large-scale and future transformation.

Hema and Yonghui, both in the fresh food field, have been competing for the same market plot. Both parties have advantages in penetration and commodity supply chain.

It is early or late for fresh food to move from channel integration to e-commerce platform and logistics online, This not only improves the number of times users use the e-commerce platform, repurchase rate and experience, but also promotes people's pursuit of quality of life.

Tuyere 4: shared power bank

From the end of 2016, when all players entered the arena, the first stage of crazy financing and horse racing enclosure, the second stage of arrears of service fees and disguised layoffs, to the current project liquidation, the Shared Power Bank has gone through early spring, midsummer, late autumn and severe winter with the growth ring of 2017.

Sharing power bank, with low hardware cost, quickly runs through the business model with the wind of sharing, and the financing speed is extremely fast and the amount is huge, From March 31 to April 10, in 10 days, there were 5 financing transactions, and more than 20 institutions entered, with the financing amount approaching 300 million yuan. It is mainly divided into desktop charging, large cabinet and small cabinet.

The specific revenue data is not disclosed, but there are more and more shared power packs everywhere. Later, the debate between Chen Ou and Wang Sicong pushed the shared power packs to the forefront of public opinion.

Later, as shown in the figure, sharing bicycles ushered in a death list of shared power bank:

 Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

Many people say that this just means that the shared power pack has been "falsified" by the market. Personally, it is not. The shared power pack is not just needed by users, but it is occasionally needed by low-frequency users. There is demand in the market, Although it is just a small demand, the ultimate survival depends on the profit model and sustainable development.

Air outlet V: mini KTV

Mini KTV has also emerged, including Yousang M-Bar, Mida miniK, WOW House, Lister miniK and other businesses. KTV sharing facilities are provided not only in major shopping malls across the country, but also in cinemas, airports, high-speed railway stations, office buildings, restaurants and other places.

According to the data from iMedia Consulting, In 2017, the scale of China's offline mini KTV market is expected to reach 3.18 billion yuan, an increase of 92.7% over 2016. In 2018, the scale of the offline mini KTV market will continue to grow to 7.01 billion yuan, an increase of 120.4%.

 Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

However, just like the rapid development of the industry, its cooling speed is also rapid and sudden. For mini KTV, the next step is mass selling KTV, and the next step is online karaoke software. In the middle, it is popular with the "sharing economy", However, after some manufacturers in the industry began to finance and expand in succession, today, when the tide of "sharing economy" gradually began to be rational and ebb, they fell into general operating difficulties and users' "suspicion".

Air outlet 6: online doll grabbing machine

On line baby grabbing machine, this black mustang has produced more than 30 platforms since it was born less than three months ago, and now it is producing new platforms according to the trend of doubling every month; The monthly flow of the platform reaches 10 million, 30% - 60% of the gross profit rate, and these are only the contribution value of the scale of millions of users, It can be seen that the wild can not stop, even the capital market, which was very calm at the beginning, can not sit still and enter one after another. According to the industry data survey, the market share of the live broadcast catch dolls is nearly 60 billion. The cake is so big that companies and capital of all sizes are pouring in, and various kinds of shares are nibbling away.

 Inventory of Top Ten Internet Entrepreneurship Outlets in 2017

It seems like a new product, but it is not. Because it is essentially a combination of existing industries such as live broadcast technology, Internet of Things technology and offline doll machine industry, and it is open to the public in a new form. If it is special, it is the innovation of offline doll machine, which makes the doll machine become online mobile, or "walking doll machine".

However, I also remembered the tragic end of the game of "werewolf killing". The once fierce werewolf killing also passed through the air of the game. The original niche game with social functions suddenly showed an explosive situation. However, despite good data and numerous capitals competing to enter, it finally became a hot scene without expectation.

Air vent 7: blockchain bitcoin

Bitcoin, what a crazy currency. When it was born in 2009, its unit price was only a few cents. However, in just a few years, the little money that was once looked down upon has soared from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars... Although there are big ups and downs, this little mysterious currency is still In November this year, it successfully broke through the threshold of 10000 dollars/piece.

Last week, its performance was even more like a wild horse, and it could not stop: according to data from CoinDesk, a media website for cryptocurrency, around 9:00 on December 8, Beijing time, Bitcoin The transaction price of $17117.27 per piece (about RMB 113000 per piece), up 70% from a week ago; However, 24 hours later, its price fell sharply and once again entered a volatile state. At its lowest point, its transaction price was less than 15000 dollars per piece.

Such crazy ups and downs have made many people - especially the people who once had the opportunity to own Bitcoin and missed it.

To quote a quote from Li Xiaolai, a blockchain industry investor, recently at the "2017 iResearch (Shanghai) Annual Summit", more people came to me recently and asked me whether I would like to buy Bitcoin now, or whether I would like to buy anything else if I didn't buy Bitcoin. My unified answer is that even if you think you want to buy it, you should not buy it.

Tuyere 8: social networking+games (glory of the king)

Now our efficiency in all aspects has been improved unprecedentedly, and even some areas have "excess efficiency".

As a result, the problem faced by urban people is no longer scarcity and inefficiency, but the fast-paced, impetuous and anxious life state after efficiency improvement. With the upgrading of tools, modern people, especially urban people, do not need the cooperation of acquaintances, and the sense of loneliness is being strengthened unprecedentedly.

Against this background, eliminating boredom, relieving anxiety and killing time will be a key point, which has also created more than 200 million registered users of "King Glory", more than 50 million daily live users, and the phenomenal game that has been called and criticized eight times by the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency, just a skin of heroes, can make Tencent earn 150 million a day, It has generated 17 billion yuan of revenue for Tencent in the first three quarters of 2017.

According to the 2017 China Mobile E-sports Industry Report released by iResearch, the size of China Mobile E-sports market in 2016 was 12.95 billion, with a growth rate of 148.1%, mainly from the "King Glory". The report also believes that "King Glory" will continue to play a major role in 2017 and push the market scale to a new high of 46.2 billion yuan, of which the revenue of "King Glory" will exceed 30 billion yuan.

As for the future of "King Glory", The peak of king's glory has passed. What Tencent needs to do is to maintain its peak state.

Tuyere 9: cash loan

In late October 2017, Qudian went public in a high-profile way. Its founder Luo Min was outspoken, and investors showed off, pushing the huge profits and "blood" of cash loans to the forefront of the wave.

Since this year, mutual fund platform has been listed in the United States, and cash loan, a huge industry that has been dormant in gray areas, has gradually been exposed to the sun. The high interest rate of cash loans, the gray collection industry, and the capital chain behind cash loans have become the focus of market attention and controversy. The "original sin" of cash loans and the contradiction between inclusive finance and windfall profits are constantly questioned. However, the regulatory policies for cash loans and online small loans were then implemented rapidly and forcefully.

Due to the lack of unified supervision of the central authority, it is very common for some private "cash loan" institutions to engage in cash loan business under the pretext of small loans, and the ensuing problems such as usury, violent collection, and lending to inappropriate people are heard everywhere.

Supervision is always lagging behind, and the storm of cash loan regulation is gradually unfolding. The control of cash loan disorder starts from licensed operation. Small online loans become the entry point for the control of cash loans, and the source of funds will become the next focus of supervision.

Tuyere 10: short video

"Short videos are the next outlet for content entrepreneurship." As early as a year ago, Zhang Yiming, the CEO of Headlines today, made such a judgment.

Over the past year, Internet celebrities represented by Papi sauce have opened the spring of short video content creation. With the continuous outbreak of e-commerce blogs that "lead" 4 million fans and advocate big games, as well as numerous "office Xiaoye" that have attracted attention in just four months, short video has become a new portal for mobile Internet traffic and attracted high attention from many users and industry professionals.

As a result, more and more platforms begin to focus on native video advertising.

One is a short emotional story film, in which there will be no brand exposure until the end of the film, with a sentence of "highlight and sublimation" attached to the advertising brand:

  • Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes "Your world is bigger than the whole world"+China Merchants Bank credit card;
  • There are always people who love you secretly "in this world, there are always people who love you secretly"+999 cold medicine logo.

The other is a series of short films of brain tease and time travel, which are not found to be advertisements until the end of the story, and will not let the brand appear in the story to destroy the experience:

  • The lark makes fun of Bao Gong's "black" to spread the whitening characteristics of the product;
  • The tribute of imperial concubines customized by popular Meizhan for Jingdong is the same model;
  • NetEase's strict selection of "On the first day of employment, NetEase's father taught me how to be a man" perfectly matches the scene and heart of new interns, which resonates in fun, and finally leads to advertising.

Looking at the current popular advertising cases, rather than saying that they are angry, marketers have a better understanding of consumers' hearts. Instead of knowing what we want, they are more willing to listen to us and express what we want to express.

As a person, there are so many places that can be "complained", "touched" and "touched" to be excavated. The era of "distracted marketing" has come~

Write at the end

The Internet always follows and embraces changes. Even in 2017, when everyone said that there was no new unicorn, there were many things that changed people's lives, surprised people, and distracted people. This may be the "charm" of the Internet.

Let's look forward to 2018~

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on December 26, 2017 00:18:55
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