CCTV evaluation: 7 yuan ordinary anti haze mask wins 499 yuan

When winter comes, anti haze masks become the focus of netizens again. Generally speaking, the quality and effect of expensive products are better, but is that really the case?

According to CCTV Finance, the Consumer Proposition of CCTV Finance sent all kinds of anti haze masks on the market to the National Labor Protection Products Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center for an experimental test. The price of these masks ranges from 3.7 yuan to 499 yuan, basically covering different grades in the current market.

The tester found that, The real filtering effect of a 499 yuan product is 44.5%, and the haze prevention effect is only 67%. For a mask that costs only 7 yuan, the actual test filtration effect is 97%, and the haze prevention effect is 79%!

in other words, The traditional products can be selected as the anti haze masks. The general N95 anti haze masks are more suitable.

The test data are as follows:

 CCTV evaluation: 7 yuan ordinary anti haze mask wins 499 yuan

The above is just the test results, and if you need to see the specific process, please go to Baidu.

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