Why can't I register my Google account (it has been solved perfectly)

We must all know that it is not easy to register a Google account in China, and the biggest problem is that the mobile phone number cannot be verified when we need to verify it. Today, according to this situation, we will give a tutorial to explain the solution in detail, and I believe it can solve the problems we encounter when registering.

In general, the tutorial is a bit cumbersome. If you are too troublesome or have no time, you can directly purchase a Google account below. All accounts sold on this platform are sold at one time. One person, one account, and no repeat sales are allowed. We delete the account after the account is sold to ensure security.



1. Magic Internet Tools

2. Normal mobile phone (receiving verification code)

Computer registration tutorial

Let's first introduce the method of registering Google account on the computer, and mobile phone registration will be introduced later.

1. Open the official website of Google (www.google. com) and click Login.

2. Go to the interface of logging in Google account, click "Create Account" - "Create for Yourself" button.

3. It is recommended to register with Google Browser


3. On the information filling page, you need to fill in the information, and then click Next.


4. At this time, we will jump to the mobile phone verification interface, which is required. If mobile phone verification appears, we can directly select China, fill in a mainland mobile phone number, and then click Next.


5. Many netizens will encounter a page that prompts you that "this phone number cannot be used for verification". What should we do? Now let's introduce the solution!


Close the Google registration page, click the three points above Google Browser, click "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Language", and you will come to the following interface:


My default here is simplified Chinese. We add a language and an English language


Then display Google Browser in English in this language, as shown below:


Remove Simplified Chinese, restart Google Browser, and the restarted Google Browser will be displayed in full English.


6. We go to Google Browser to open Google's official website, repeat the previous 1-4 steps, and then go to the mobile phone number verification interface. You will find that the phone number has become optional, that is, you can register without filling in the mobile phone number, which is equivalent to skipping the mobile phone verification step. We just need to fill in the required items as prompted.


However, many times, when we go to the mobile phone verification interface, we still need to fill in the mobile phone number verification. Here we correctly select China+86 and fill in the mobile phone. At this time, we can pass the verification.

7. The next few steps are the next step. Just agree. At this time, the Google account is successfully registered and automatically logged into the official Google website.

Mobile terminal registration tutorial

1. Open Google's official website (www.google. com) in the mobile browser, and then click the login button in the upper right corner.


2. On the jump page, click "Create Account - Create for Yourself".


3. Fill in the personal information interface. After filling in, remember the user name and password. This step is the same as the computer side.


4. On the mobile phone verification interface, select China as the country, fill in the mobile phone number correctly, and click Next.


5. If you come to the SMS receiving verification interface at this time, congratulations. You will be registered soon.

If you are prompted that "this number cannot be used for verification", you need to go to the phone settings and change the language of the phone to English or Traditional Chinese. After that, you can go to the previous steps, and then go to the phone verification interface.


6. The following steps are the same as those on the computer side. You can successfully register with the next step and consent.

In general, self registration is quite tedious, and this process may not be successful. Those who want to try their own skills can try to register by themselves. Those who are really in urgent need should recommend buying an account directly. One account per person is absolutely safe.

  • This article is written by Published on March 4, 2024 09:24:21
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/9595.html
