[Literary masterpieces] 60 masterpieces that must be read in one's life Baidu Cloud Disk

The 60 classics that must be read in one's life include 60 classics that must be read, covering different fields such as military literature, philosophy, history, etc. They are all recommended by famous scholars and are the most authoritative representative works.

Book list:

 The Thousand and One Nights.txt Human Story [US] Fang Long.txt Aesop's Fables. txt Love in a Fallen City Zhang Ailing.txt Global History.txt Gitanjali BY Tagore (Chinese English). txt On Sovereigns.txt Fortress Besieged, Qian Zhongshu (perfect version) TXT On the Wealth of State.txt Complete Collection of Confessions. txt Lover Duras.txt Doctor Zhivago (Russia) Pasternak.txt Complete Collection of Zeng Guofan's Letters. txt Uncle Tom's Cabin.txt Alive. txt One Hundred Years of Solitude. txt Muslim Funeral (1) TXT Muslim Funeral TXT John Christophe, written by French Roman Roland, translated by Fu Lei TXT Crime and Punishment.txt The Course of Beauty by Li Zehou.txt Shawshank Redemption.txt Border Town. txt How Steel Is Tempered. txt Catcher in the Rye. txt Romance of the Three Kingdoms. txt Can't bear the light.txt Leo Tolstoy Resurrection. txt Kafka's Metamorphosis. txt History.txt Shout.txt Hamlet. txt Sound and Fury. txt Bible. txt Don Quixote.txt Sun Tzu's Art of War. txt Andersen's Fairy Tales.txt Franklin's autobiography · txt.txt Little prince. txt Kawabata Yasunari's Snow Country TXT Miserable World.txt Scarlett (sequel to Gone with the Wind). txt New Text Document.bat Entomology.txt Cao Yu Thunderstorm. txt Compendium of Materials.txt Interpretation of Dream.txt Ouyeni Grandet.txt Water Margin. txt Origin of Species. txt Walden Lakes.txt Shenqu.txt Jane Eyre.txt Red and Black.txt Hongloumeng.txt The Old Man and the Sea. txt Lao She: Four Generations in the Same Hall. txt Sophie's World.txt Camellia Girl. txt West Chamber Tale.txt Journey to the West.txt Analects.txt Float.txt

Baidu Cloud Disk Download of 60 Masterpieces You Must Read in Your Life

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8gM7eM Password: pa95

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