The win10 status bar displays the network speed gadget _ super easy to use

 Watson Blog December 27, 2017 00:15:13 Computer knowledge comment seven hundred and ninety-three Reading mode

Not only Win10 can be used, but other versions of the system can also be used.

It is necessary to check the network speed of the computer. Maybe many friends know that the computer steward has this function, but often in order to monitor the network speed every day, it is not enough to download the entire computer steward. In fact, this win10 status bar shows the network speed gadget, which is small and beautiful!

 Win10 status bar displays the network speed gadget_super easy to use

Software introduction:

The network traffic monitoring function is very practical, but it is often only integrated into 360 security guards and Jinshan guards. If you simply need the traffic monitoring function and it is easy to view, NetSpeedMonitor will be very suitable for you. It will not occupy the desktop space, but will be integrated into the system taskbar to display the upload and download traffic of the current network. It also supports statistical daily and monthly traffic reports, and supports displaying the TCP/UDP connection list of network applications. NetSpeedMonitor 64bit and 32bit are available for free!

usage method:

1. Copy nsm.dll and nsmc.exe to the directory C: Windows Sys64

2. In the Start menu, find the command prompt window, right-click, and open it as an administrator

3. Run the following two lines of commands in the window. (can be copied and pasted)

regsvr32 C:\Windows\Sys64\nsm.dll

start C:\Windows\Sys64\nsmc.exe

4. Right click the taskbar, click Toolbar, and select NetSpeedMonitor to display it.

Download address:

It also contains a green direct installation version.

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Ps: If there is no change in the status bar after opening. At this time, you should right click the blank space of the status bar, and then check netspeedmonitor in the "Toolbar". At this time, the status bar will display the network speed, but some people will find that the network speed is always displayed as 0 no matter what. This is because the network card you selected is incorrect. Right click the network speed display, and then select Settings. Select the network card you are using in the pop-up window, and then click OK.

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