Unexpectedly, Baidu Alliance successfully applied

It was really an accident to apply for Baidu Alliance's approval. I remember applying once a month ago, but it was unsuccessful. Later, I saw that the approximate data of others' successful blog application for Baidu Alliance was about 1150ip/day. My blog has only been 100ip/day in the last two days, and the weight is still zero. Yesterday, I logged into Baidu Alliance account and clicked to submit again. Today, I received an email at noon意料之外,百度联盟申请成功记录 It is true that the flowers cannot bloom if you intend to plant them, and the willows can make a shade if you do not intend to plant them.

 Unexpectedly, Baidu Alliance successfully applied

Let's talk about the application process:

I remember the first time I applied for Baidu Alliance, the blog traffic was about 50ip/day, Baidu's weight was zero, and the website category was "blog" ->"space surrounding", and the application failed.

Yesterday, I applied again. The blog traffic was about 100ip/day, Baidu's weight was zero, and the website category was "Web Service Application" ->"Technical Forum". The application was successful.

The blog has been running for 129 days, almost four months. In the last two months, an article has been published at one o'clock every night.

 Unexpectedly, Baidu Alliance successfully applied

I hope you can have a chance to sponsor this blog! Thank you here!


 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on December 8, 2017 21:33:02
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/903.html
