[Webmaster Tools] EditPlus (4.30.2499) Chinese activation free green version has been updated

 Watson Blog December 12, 2017 00:12:49 computer software Source: zd423 comment one hundred and ninety-nine Reading mode

Notepad++and EditPlus are probably the text editors that webmaster circle uses more. It is their many advantages that attract so many people to use them. The advantages of simple operation, fast speed, small size, no resources, powerful functions and so on make people like them.

 [Webmaster Tools] EditPlus (4.30.2499) Chinese activation free green version has been updated


EditPlus Introduction:

EditPlus is a powerful text editor that can replace Notepad. It has unlimited undo and redo, English spelling check, word wrap, column number mark, search and replace, simultaneous editing of multiple files, and full screen browsing functions. It also has a useful function, that is, it has the function of monitoring the clipboard, and can automatically paste text into the editing window of EditPlus synchronously on the clipboard, so that you can save the steps of pasting!


EditPlus registration code:

User name: All Users

Registration code: 6F9AB-5BE10-99Z2A-5CW6D-0CT35


Right click menu:

[Tools] - [Preferences] - [General] - [Add EditPlus to the right-click menu of the system] and check OK.


This version introduces:

  • Fix the problem that the error dialog box pops up when opening "Preferences -- File -- File and File Type Syntax" in previous versions
  • Cut out the redundant items in the help menu, which makes it more refreshing
  • Several previously unmovable strings have been newly translated into Chinese. It is unknown whether they will cause software bugs. Please give feedback after testing
  • Add highlighted coloring files of win32 ASM assembly language, autoit3 source code script, Inno Setup installation script, NSIS installation script, Bat batch processing, Reg registry file, Ini configuration file, etc
  • Completely portable. After decompression, the run point is registered and imported into the registry, which is extremely unlimited
  • Includes 64 bit and 32-bit programs
  • Optional right-click menu (installation version)
  • Optional setting IE default view source code program (installation version)
  • Optionally replace the caller of the right-click edit menu of the system default document file (installation version)
  • Automatic identification system bit width installation corresponding version (installation version)
  • If the old version is installed, the user personalization settings (installation version) will not be overwritten
  • Uninstall optional retention settings (installation version)
  • Correct several improper translation problems (installation version)


Download address:

EditPlus 4.30.2499 Chinese activation free green version

EditPlus 4.30.2543 has registered green perfect Chinese version

Baidu Cloud | Lan Chanyun

Tip: According to Chinese speakers, v3.7.0.1206 has the best performance when opening large files!


EditPlus v4.3.0 build 2543 official version (English/installation/30 day trial)




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 Watson Blog
  • Copyright Notice This article originates from zd423, Organized and published on December 12, 2017 00:12:49
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/870.html
