PC software | Sogou Pinyin input method ( optimized and simplified version of advertisement removal

Sogou Pinyin input method is a must on almost every computer in China. I don't know when this product has fallen, such as advertising, background plug-ins, etc. The blogger first used Sogou Pinyin, and the experience was very good. After five strokes, he used the Extreme Five strokes. This product has not been updated for many years, but now it has been replaced by the QQ Five strokes, which is still good and refreshing without advertising. Today, I found a Sogou shopping list input and shared it except for advertisements, plug-ins and browsers.

PC软件 | 搜狗拼音输入法(去广告优化精简版


PC software | Sogou Pinyin input method ( Download the optimized simplified version of advertising

Sogou Pinyin Input Method v8.8a ( Advertising Reduction and Optimization Version

Sogou Pinyin Input Method v6.7i (0747) Advertising Reduction and Optimization Classic Version

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Baidu Cloud | Lan Chanyun

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