Apex legends mobile How does Apple download it? (Apex Heroes' Domestic Experience)

EA Apex Legends Mobile has been extremely popular since its launch, and once occupied the top position in the download list. However, the game has not been announced in China. If you want to experience it first, you can go to the overseas App Store to download it.

apex legends mobile苹果如何下载?(Apex英雄国内抢先体验)

Apex legends mobile


1. One Apple mobile phone

2. One American Apple ID

Here, why do you want to prepare an American Apple ID? As we all know, the software download of Apple AppStore is regional, that is to say, China can only download Chinese software, while Japan, South Korea and other software cannot be downloaded. If we want to download software in the outer region, we must have an Apple ID in the outer region. For the download of apex legends mobile, you only need to prepare an American Apple ID.

Netizens who do not know where to get an American Apple ID can directly click the "Buy" button below to buy an American Apple ID.

apex legends mobile苹果如何下载?(Apex英雄国内抢先体验)

Step 1: Exit the account

Enter the App Store, click the avatar in the upper right corner to enter the account page, and then click "Sign out". At this time, you can see that the ID and password are empty. At this time, you have successfully logged out of the account.

apex legends mobile苹果如何下载?(Apex英雄国内抢先体验)

Step 2: Login account

Enter the ID of the beauty zone purchased above and log in. After logging in automatic skip Go to the App Store in the United States, and then search for "apex legends mobile" in the search box, and you will find it can be downloaded! (ps: To exit the account, you can also click "sign out")

apex legends mobile苹果如何下载?(Apex英雄国内抢先体验)

Download difficulties

The operation steps of the above tutorials are relatively simple, and the key point is to prepare an American ID. The general solution can be to register yourself, but this method is not a small trouble for many people; You can also rent an account, but it's better to buy an account. After buying an account, one person has one number, which is your personal account. As long as you don't forget your password, you can always use it, which is very cost-effective.

  • This article is written by Published on June 30, 2022 14:02:04
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