Mydm (20171110) supports BT seed and Magnet download tools

This is a necessary download tool for old drivers. It is recommended for everyone to use. The domestic download tool Xunlei has many illegal resources and dare not store them offline to its own server. Other niche download tools, such as IDM and eagleget, download http links at a super fast speed but do not support BT and Magnet magnetism.

Introduction to Mydm

Mydm is a multi engine download tool with super fast download speed. In particular, the BT seed program is small, green, and free. It uses the Thunderbolt download engine, the BitTorrent BT engine, and Aria2 technology (not yet enabled). It supports the download protocols: HTTP FTP, BT, Magnet (eMule cannot be realized at present, and it will support parsing and downloading online disks and others in the future), support user-defined attaching plug-ins, and integrate parsing and downloading Baidu online disks and Renren movie plug-ins.

 Mydm (20171110) supports BT seed and Magnet download tools

Introduction to this version

1. The XP default font is changed to Song typeface.

2. An error is reported when the repair completion list is cleared

3. Memory leak caused by exiting the repair program

4. Add back the special address of Xunlei to download

5. Add and modify UserAgent in the setting function


directory structure

Mydm has the following three folders



-Baidu _PlugIn.dll (Baidu Analytics)


Create Plug in

Write your own plug-in according to the plug-in structure

*Plug_Int returns the text type: the specific callable subprogram name of the plug-in, and multiple subprograms can be newlined

*Pointer program will pass an extend_external download interface pointer

*Plug_Getinfo returns the text type: plug-in information, the first line is the plug-in name, and the second line is the plug-in version


Extended external download interface

File name (required)

Download address (required)



1. The native plug-in of the program is shown in the plug-in folder of the download address below

2. If you do not want to use a plug-in, you can delete the plug-in in the Plugin directory, or you can directly delete the Plugin directory if you do not want to use a plug-in

3. When there are Thunderbolt plug-ins in the plug-in directory, Thunderbolt engine will be used preferentially. The main menu in the upper right corner of the software can switch engines, and some tasks cannot be downloaded, but you can also try to switch (the task of switching engines needs to be manually deleted and rebuilt)

4. WinXP user software will adjust the limit of concurrent connections to 2048 by default


Download address

Software download
  • Resource name: Mydm (20171108) supports BT seed and Magnet download tools
  • Application platform: Windows
  • Program version: 20171110
  • Resource size: 7.41


 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on November 14, 2017 12:00:43
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