Android | Cool Dog Music (8.9.1) to advertise VIP luxury version

As an old music player, Kugou is believed to have few people who have never used it. The greeting "hello Kugou" is even more popular. Although the blogger now uses a pure player for thousands of listening, he has to say that Kugou is still very good.


The Android version of Cool Dog Music 8.0, with a new interface, professional sound quality, new music social networking, a new skin, a comprehensive upgrade, and a more immersive visual experience! The Android version of Kugou Music is the first time to "listen, watch and sing" together from the 7.0 version, with new karaoke functions and music library. New Viper Sound Effect! Kugou music computer and mobile device cloud synchronization, full music library, professional audio decoding core technology, high fidelity audio format playback.


Software screenshot

 Android | Cool Dog Music (8.9.1) to advertise VIP luxury version Android | Cool Dog Music (8.9.1) to advertise VIP luxury version


Features of this edition

The following privileges are available without login-

1. Cracking luxury VIP privileges

2. Free trial and download of all songs

3. Free download and use of all skins

4. Remove Ad

5. Remove Updates


Download address

Cool dog music download
  • Resource name: Kugou Music (8.9.1) to advertise VIP luxury version
  • Application platform: Android
  • Program version: 8.9.1
  • Resource size: 44.6M

Note: For the relationship caused by digital signature, the modified version cannot use the sharing function! The paid music can only download the standard audio quality that can be listened to. The audio cache is taken, and you need to listen once and then click to download the standard audio quality.

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on November 13, 2017 12:00:22
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