Guide for veteran drivers

Why do people need to watch movies? Movies are works of art that originate from life and are higher than life. Real life will always be dull, while colorful life is what people like and yearn for. People can only live once in their life and choose one way of life. Therefore, watching movies is a good way to participate, and movies can bring people another kind of life experience.

How did the movie come from online?

How did the movie resources on the network come from? This is actually a very professional and mature industrial chain. Users can get benefits from the resource station by uploading movies to the resource station. The resource station will release movies as seeds to attract traffic. When the traffic is high, users can get benefits through advertising. (The largest casino in Macao, XX casino is online! More than 200 sexy dealers dealt cards online. Is this advertisement impressive?) In fact, the operation logic of movies, documents, software, or small movies of island countries is the same. The following are some common movie resources and production methods.

  1. TS version, also known as CAM version, gun version and preemptive version, are mostly recorded in cinemas, and the image and sound quality are usually poor.
  2. The TC version, also known as the film version, is usually used by cinemas to digitally copy film directly from the film. The picture quality is good, but the brightness is insufficient, and some of it is dim.
  3. HD version, also known as HD version, generally refers to the digital copy of movies that have been released online WEB-DL resources on some websites, such as iTunes, after payment.
  4. The BD version, also known as the Blu ray version, has released Blu ray discs or DVDs. By buying discs and cracking copies.


Mainstream video websites

Usually, film making has been going on for some years Youku IQIYI letv potato Sohu It can be found on mainstream video websites, especially on Tudou and Sohu. For example, you can watch one of the best two and a half movies in China on LeEco《 Live 》(Castration version), you can watch Forrest Gump, the second greatest film of the last century, online on Sohu. PS: Use script Search engine jump It can realize fast search and jump in different video websites.


Different video websites

I have to say Station A (ACFUN) and Station B (Bilibili), it's not just a ghost animal binary, there are many movies on other mainstream video websites, such as movies《 Farewell to my concubine 》In addition, there is no advertising in HD. It is also fun to watch movies while watching netizens' bullet screen. More importantly, you will find another world in station A and station B. There are many documentaries in station A and station B (such as the 9.8 super high scoring BBC documentaries in Douban《 The Story of Life 》), science and education films (such as Top 10 most puzzling paradoxes ), foreign video collection (such as American comedy variety show《 Black brothers 》)。 And the third season of the British drama Black Mirror, which just came out yesterday, will be available today at station B. (By the way, I'm Party B, because station B can see seats [doge])

Movie FM It is an FM type website, which focuses on movie recommendation, provides movie screening by movie type, movie list, and movie guessing game. It is very interesting, which can be understood as "personalized douban". The key is that it provides a whole network search function, allowing you to quickly search for the movie you want and play it online.

Member video analysis

We know that since the first wave of normalization of Chinese film copyright, mainstream websites such as Youku iQiyi have launched member services. Users need to buy members to watch films with formal copyright Analysis of Purple Fox Cloud Our website provides the resolution service of member videos. You can copy and paste the video address and watch it "for free". The high-definition original paintings are available at unlimited speed. Users who are allowed to purchase members are suggested. First, the website may be closed at any time. Second, these member films are legitimate copyrighted films purchased through formal channels.

 Guide for veteran drivers

Similar websites include: , open the VIP video page you want to see, click Bookmarklet You can play it. (Drag the small bookmark to the bookmark bar with the mouse)


Online movies

97 Movies A website that can directly play videos online. Generally, a movie half a month after its release can be found on it. It also supports "Top 250 Douban Movies", which is cool. There are many websites that provide online movie playing, but they have not been able to adhere to many. This website should have a high reputation. It was established in 2014 and is still strong.

 Guide for veteran drivers

Cloud Cinema It is also a very fast updating website that can directly play videos online. There are no advertisements, no restrictions on loading speed, most video sources are ultra clear, and there is no jam in the viewing process. There is a view history button in the upper right corner of the website, which can be viewed for us to view the history. The mobile phone scans the QR code, which can be viewed directly through the mobile phone.

 Guide for veteran drivers

Note: The movies on these two websites are not copyrighted movies, so there is a great possibility that the websites will run away due to the possibility of copyright complaints. As far as I know, id97 was shut down for a while due to copyright complaints. The same websites include:


Cloud Playback

Nine second magnetic cloud seeding We all know that when Xunlei Cloud Broadcast launched the conference for free, it was very simple and rude to submit a magnetic link. As long as the resources were not unpopular, you could see what you wanted. Later, this online cloud broadcast service gradually disappeared, leaving only the legend of cloud broadcast in the Jianghu. Surprisingly, recently a website "Nine second magnetic cloud broadcast" was launched, which can submit magnetic links to direct cloud broadcast. You just need to submit magnetic links on the website? Xt=urn: btih.

 Guide for veteran drivers

According to the test, as long as the unexpected resources are not available, they can basically be played, avoiding the trouble of downloading software. Old drivers should use and cherish it. The method of use is just to input a 40 digit code, that is, magic:? The 40 digit code after xt=urn: btih: and some magnetic links may also have&dn=(file name) or&tr=(tracker server), all of which must be deleted, that is, the code after "&" must be deleted. Pressing the number key "9" also supports high-speed downloading.


Cloud player software

Luoli Yunbo A perfect free cloud player. After the Xunlei cloud player failed, this software can now be called a perfect docking, free of advertising and unlimited. In addition to supporting magnetic on-demand, magnetic search, and Youku video library on-demand, it also supports continuous streaming of side to side videos, and is a free cloud player that uses its own server for transit, Is it a little bit of X-play?

 Guide for veteran drivers


Baidu online disk play

After 360 Online Diskette announced that it would cancel online disk services, Baidu Online Diskette has become the real leader of online disks in China. The emergence of Baidu Online Diskette in those years marked that the movie watching mode entered the era of online disk. I once boasted to my friends that you can watch all the movies you want to see by using Baidu Online. After castration, Baidu Netdisk has become popular in private sharing. Now, through offline download and private sharing via magnetic link, Baidu Netdisk can still watch most movies. Of course, there is no way to report the resources and drag racing resources.

 Guide for veteran drivers

The method of use is Xilin Street Search Fat search Online search Search disk Panduo Search resources on the Internet and save them to the online disk to view them online directly. Personally, I think the search experience of Xilin Street is better. You can also directly search Baidu Cloud for the movie you want to see on Baidu, but you need to be able to identify junk links. Many Baidu Cloud links often appear to be movie sharing, but in fact they are viral trojan files.


Magnet URI

If none of the above methods can search for resources, the last method is magnetic link (or BT download). You can also skip all the above methods and use this method directly. After getting the magnetic link through the search, first try whether you can download it offline on Baidu online disk. If you can't, try nine second magnetic cloud broadcast. If you still can't, you have to use Thunderbolt to download it. Here are some good places to find magnetic links.

Film resources: HD MP4 bar LOL Movie Paradise China High Definition Network Tiantian American Drama comic Japanese Drama

BT search: btso diggbt ciliyun cilibaba alicili btkitty

PS: Call Potplayer (YouTube skin is recommended) Thunderbolt can download while playing. After creating a new TXT document and writing the code, save and rename the TXT document to xmp.ini, and place it in " Program " under the folder where Thunderbolt is installed. It is recommended to click "Play while playing" after downloading more than 5%. (The path of path=needs to be modified according to the path you actually stored)

Path=C:\Program Files\DAUM\PotPlayer\PotPlayerMini.exe


 Guide for veteran drivers


Should we watch the movie in the cinema or online?

For the films being shown, we encourage you to watch genuine films. My suggestion is to go to the cinema without exception. You can watch gun pirated films, but this is not your right. For some films that are not allowed to be released in China, films that have been shot for a long time, and films that have not been introduced into the mainland, my view is that they can be seen online.

Step on the Egg: There are still some movies or videos only available in overseas U2B, so here is a very fast U2B image website:

All resources in this article are for learning and reference only, and should not be used for commercial purposes.

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