How do I download Reddit? How to access Reddit in China?

Reddit is called the American version of the post bar and the American version of Renren by netizens. Many people say that there is everything in it, including the upper limit and the lower limit.

At present, Reddit is mainly targeted at overseas users, but for most domestic users, it can only find another way. Why can't I download it? The main reason is that Reddit has not launched the software in the domestic App Store, and the language does not support Chinese, so the domestic shopping malls can not be found, only some software with the same name can be found.

On the left is Reddit in the App Store in the US, and on the right is "Reddit" found in China

How do I download Reddit?

First, you need an American Apple ID, and then log in to the App Store.

To download Reddit, the Apple ID in the United States is a must. With the American ID, you can log in and directly jump to the application market in the United States without additional operations.

The question is, where does the US ID come from? It doesn't matter if you don't have an American ID, you can buy it on this website. If you need it, just click "Buy Apple ID" below to choose America. Don't make a mistake.

Download steps

1. Open the App Store and click the avatar in the upper right corner of the opened page

2. Click "Log out" to exit the domestic Apple ID.

3. Enter the account password of the US ID you just purchased, click "Login" below, and remember not to click Finish! Don't click to finish!! After successful login, it will automatically jump to the US App Store, and the language will automatically switch to English (Chinese can be switched when logging into China)

4. Enter Reddit in the search box and you can download it. Is it very simple!

It should be noted that the vocabulary requirement is very high. 5000 is the minimum standard+translator.

That's all. I will explore the usage of the app after it is downloaded. This article will not introduce it.

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