Youku PC client (v7.3.2.10262) VIP green version for advertising

 Watson Blog November 2, 2017 11:46:21 computer software comment two hundred and sixty-eight one Reading mode

Youku video is still very good, but the ads are becoming more and more ridiculous. The first 60 seconds, the middle 15 seconds, the ads can understand, but don't go too far. Today, I would like to share a green version of Youku PC client (v7.3.2.10262) VIP for advertising, which can save you a little trouble.

Software Introduction

Youku Video PC Edition goes to the advertising green special edition to watch video bufferless advertising. After login, you can switch the picture quality of 1080P members! Youku, China's leading video website and video service platform, provides video playback, video publishing, video search, and provides you with a faster and more comprehensive update of massive movies and TV programs. Youku PC client is the desktop player of Youku Video, which recommends more selected popular videos for you, quickly locates matching results through multi condition filtering, provides multiple image qualities, supports watching while watching, and has exclusive GIF recording, video transcoding, video recording, game recording and other functions.

Software screenshot

 Youku PC client (v7.3.2.10262) VIP green version for advertising

Update of this version

-The explosive hard modification module goes to advertising, and the video can be broadcast directly in seconds without buffering

-Go to all ads: play buffer, pause ads, mini pop ups

-By default, the boot map is not displayed, and the tab page "Live Crazy" at the top of the main interface is not displayed

-Greening solves the problem that there is no response when right clicking the tray main program in the modified version of the whole network

-Members can enjoy exclusive 1080P image quality privileges to watch, download and VIP ID for free

-This resource is from the network

Download address

 Watson Blog
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