Free web server website (2022 best recommendation)

We all like free things. In network hosting, if you know how to search, there are also many free things, which is not surprising. However, not all free things are equal. Let's see what good websites some free (and "almost free") web hosts have.

16 free website hosting services worth considering


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)


Hostinger was launched in 2004 and initially founded in Kaunas, Lithuania. Up to now, the company has offices around the world and provides a wide range of hosting services, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and even website builders.

With a strong localization team, Hostinger has steadily established an international user base in 39 countries/regions for more than 10 years. From beginner risk-free hosting to advanced VPS cloud infrastructure, Hostinger tries its best to meet a wide range of people. Hostinger currently has more than 290000 global users


  • Simple website builder
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Email hosting account
  • 24/7/365 real-time chat support
  • Almost free full function hosting

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 30 GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 100 GB
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: hpanel

Hostinger=the best "almost free" website hosting ($1.39/month)

Jerry's comments on Hostinger classified them as: the choice of super cheap and reliable website hosting services, especially beginners or budget tighteners.

Since 99.95 in 2018, we have set up a test site on Hostinger and started to track its performance. The uptime of the test site hosted on Hostinger has always been above XNUMX%, and most speed tests have been rated as "A".

upgrade options

Hostinger Single Hosting is not really free, but they are very cheap ($1.39/month). Users who want better functions (such as automatic daily backup, more domain hosting, and unlimited cron jobs) can upgrade to the advanced plan at a cost of $2.59 per month.

What is the ambiguity of Hostinger?

Hostinger tags are extremely cheap, but they are "valuable". No free SSL or daily backups are included with the SSP schedule. In addition, only by registering for a four-year subscription period can you get a transaction of $1.39 per month, which is longer than the standard subscription period (24 months).


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)


When I first saw Weebly, I was evaluating it as a website building tool. When I saw this article, I realized that it is essentially a network host for upward sales. Weebly is one of the new generation website builder diagonal network hosts. Its performance is very excellent. In fact, it is currently ranked 393 in Alexa

However, this time I had to re evaluate it, because there are different points between web hosts and website builders.


  • Free website builder (Weebly!)
  • Free SSL security
  • Applications built for the Weebly website
  • Ad free hosting
  • Mobile application builder

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 500MB
  • Bandwidth: unknown
  • Databases: proprietary
  • Control panel: proprietary

Easy to use, but only hosted in the subdomain

Reliability and uptime guarantee

Weebly highly supports the activity of the community. You can also contact them via email or real-time chat.

upgrade options

Weebly is very aggressive in its online store builder, focusing on transactions. The upgrade plan adds basic functions, but its focus is: how many products can you sell at a time? Of course, if you are just looking for a hosting kit, it will do the same. Prices range from $12 to $25 per month.

Weebly free hosting ambiguous places?

Weebly is very good at... To be honest, Weebly, it doesn't match anything. For example, it does not support server-side scripts (such as PHP), nor does it support database integration. If your free website domain uses, it is indeed powerful enough. In terms of flexibility, once you start using it, you may be unable to stop.

3、 Wix

免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)


Wix is a famous brand in website construction business, and is one of the new generation network tools in the earlier stage. The content provided is enough to attract beginners before joining any payment plan.


  • Free website builder (Wix!)
  • Online store
  • Free template
  • Wix Applications

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 500MB
  • Bandwidth: 500MB
  • Databases: proprietary
  • Control panel: proprietary

Free and powerful web editor, but with advertisements

Reliability and uptime guarantee

In addition to the extensive knowledge base and free account, you can also consult through email. But only advanced accounts can get a "quick" response to any problems they may encounter.

upgrade options

Because its upgrade kit is designed to extend functions to websites, higher level Wix may become expensive. However, these prices include functions such as form builder, email marketing, and even professional website comments. The minimum price is $4.50 per month and the maximum price is $24.50 per month.

Wix free hosting ambiguity?

Similarly, Wix is another proprietary engine, which means it will try every means to control you. The good news is that compared with Weebly, it can work well with other tools, so it is compatible with tools such as the free database platform Caspio. Oh, yes, Wix has advertisements. If you don't have a paid package, it will quickly post Wix ads on your website.

4. 20i

免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

20i is a network hosting service provider headquartered in the UK, which has been established for only a few years. However, the founder behind it has a long and outstanding performance record. The company currently has a decent product line, which surprisingly includes their own free CDN services.


  • Easy application installation
  • Includes free wildcard SSL
  • Allow websites to profit
  • SSD storage

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 10GB
  • Bandwidth: 250MB
  • Database: 1 × 1 GB MySQL
  • Control panel: My20i

Free hosting with limited bandwidth

Impressive free plan function

Compared with similar plans, the service provider has many boxes to check on the right hand side of its free offer. One of their remarkable features is that they not only provide you with an advertising free experience, but also allow you to freely place advertisements on your website to make money.

upgrade options

As the next logical step of the 20i free plan, standard shared hosting will be one of their options. However, I recommend skipping the lowest level and going directly to the "Advanced" program. You can get more types of resources -- in many cases, it is unmeasured.

What are the implications of the 20i Free Program?

Although 20i is generous in its main areas, it strictly limits bandwidth. All free users can only get 250MB per month, and this amount will be used up with a "shush"!


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

Since 2007, 000Webhost has been providing free web hosting services that are not affected by advertisements. Because they also provide the option of paying for hosting, their business model is to provide funds for free hosting services by paying businesses. This is good for everyone, because users of free hosting services can also choose to become paying customers at any time to expand their websites.


  • Free website builder
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 1GB
  • Bandwidth: 10GB
  • Database: 2 MySQL database
  • Control panel: Cpanel

$0 per month, but one hour of sleep per day

The free account has 99% uptime guarantee, but in the case of 000Webhost, you must consider forcing an hour of sleep every day. This means that your server's actual uptime starts at 95.83% - less technical problems.

upgrade options

000Webhost provides a paid hosting plan through Hostinger. The plan charges a paid hosting fee according to the length of your registration. The longer the contract term, the cheaper the monthly fee. One month contracts start at $7.19 per month.

000The ambiguity of Webhost free plan?

Users of the free 000Webhost platform have to endure one hour of forced "sleep" every day. This means that no one (including yourself) can use it.


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

As far as the network hosting site is concerned, 5GBfree is relatively new, but it may be a good thing. They are pushing the latest technologies, including CloudLinux and PCI and SAS 70 Type II certified data centers hosted in the United States.

Similarly, this is another company that allows free accounts to grow as they grow. Free accounts are supported in the form of a knowledge base (closed at the time of writing this article) and community forums.


  • Automatic installation
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 5GB
  • Bandwidth: 20GB
  • Database: 3 MySQL database
  • Control panel: Cpanel

New but large free managed storage

Reliability and uptime guarantee

Unfortunately, there is no uptime guarantee mentioned on 5GBfree, and no information about reliability is available. However, there are many small favors, because at least there are options to back up your files and databases on the back end, which seems to be the same as the Pro account plan.

upgrade options

The Pro supporting host at $2.95 per month is very cheap, and has many functions owned by reputable network hosts.

What are the hidden points of 5GBfree website hosting?

Although the basic specifications of free accounts look good, 5GB free accounts cannot host e-mail for these accounts. If you want to have an email account in your domain, you must upgrade to Pro Suite. More worrying is that there is no service level agreement commitment in any form. Register at your own risk!

Updated in May 2021: XNUMXGBFree no longer seems to be active. Although there is no official announcement, public comments indicate that users can no longer visit the website.


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

Awardspace has been providing network hosting services since 2004. Although it has been blocked for many times, it still stands still. Constantly adjust their free hosting services to keep pace with the times. Last year, they launched a completely redesigned website and simplified their services.


  • Spam protection
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • Free website builder

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 1GB
  • Bandwidth: 5GB
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: advanced control panel

Free hosting, no uptime guarantee

Reliability and uptime guarantee

The free version of Awardspace has no uptime guarantee. To do this, you must sign up for one of their pay plans. 99.9% service level agreement is provided. If you are not satisfied with the service within 30 days, you can also make an unconditional refund.

upgrade options

Awardspace provides three payment packages, ranging from $5.20 per month to $10.30 per month. For new registrations, Awardspace offers discounts of up to 98%, which means you only pay 9 cents a month.

What are the characteristics of Awardpace?

Awardspace really has no obvious attraction. It provides a free account that can be called fair to medium for beginners. I guess one part of the kit is to attract users to get started and enter the cheap paid kit. The benefit of the pay plan is to increase from the lowest level.

8、Byet Host

免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

Byet Host (yes, spelled correctly) is a bold, claiming to be "the fastest free virtual host in the world!". Part of the reason why it might say this is because it depends entirely on the server processing time, without considering any other factors, such as the time of the first byte. It is the free department of hosting service provider iFastNet, which may also be a noticeable problem, because their cheapest plan obviously has six free domains! This free host provides a lot of good things, which may be worth seeing.


  • 24/7 support
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 5GB
  • Bandwidth: unlimited
  • Database: 5 MySQL database
  • Control panel: VistaPanel

 Free VistaPanel hosting solution

Reliability and uptime guarantee

What's rare is that Byet Host provides 24/7 support for free accounts. Although it takes some time to obtain services, after all, we don't often see free hosts providing real support. In most cases, either the knowledge base or the user forum is used to help each other.

upgrade options

Because they provide so many benefits for free accounts, what can you get from the paid Byet Host hosting service? Upgrade to SSD driven performance, free domain and extraordinary control panel (cPanel). The price ranges from $4.99 per month to $7.99 per month.

What's the ambiguity?

Although the Byet Host sounds unbelievable good, it is recommended that you take some time to check their content in detail. I find many terms and services are worded in a somewhat ambiguous manner.


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

I think Dreamnix is not a free service, but "almost free", because they provide top-level functions, but free products have obvious restrictions. This is in line with their "try before buy" philosophy.


  • SSD drive server
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 1GB
  • Bandwidth: 1GB
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: Cpanel

Free cPanel hosting with SSD storage

Reliability and uptime guarantee

This is a bet on quality confidence. Dreamnix emphasizes a full refund guarantee. It will not get your credit card information until you pay any service fees. As I said - try before you buy!

upgrade options

The differences after the upgrade are mainly in additional functions, such as accessing Cron jobs, mailing lists, etc. Even with the lowest plan, the basic knowledge of bandwidth and ecosystem can reach infinity. According to the annual subscription rate, it ranges from $1.95 to $4.95 per month.

What's the ambiguity?

As far as we know, nothing, although Dreamnix's data center has only three locations. However, they are well distributed around the world, so there should be no problem.


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

Freehostia proudly announced that it has served XNUMX for many years in the industry, and cried out the comparison between "load balancing cluster technology" and independent servers. It is a large network host, which means that in addition to providing hosting services, it also provides high-end services, such as dedicated servers. On the downside, the location of the data center is limited to Chicago.


  • Free website template
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 250MB
  • Bandwidth: 6GB
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: Cpanel

Free hosting service, no advertising

Reliability and uptime guarantee

It is mentioned that the uptime of the free host is 99.9%, which usually indicates that the reliability of the payment plan will be higher. Unfortunately, Freehostia does not display the uptime of the payment plan, so it is a bit arbitrary.

upgrade options

Freehostia provides a variety of incremental plans, which seems to focus on storage; This is a bit puzzling, because storage is very cheap now, and most network hosts are actually free. The price of the upgrade program ranges from $14 per month to $65 per month.

What's the ambiguity?

Storage space, storage space and storage space seem to be Freehostia's only strengths. 250MB is a bit unreasonable for network hosts (even free ones) today. In addition, they have multiple plans available, just browsing them is enough to confuse you.


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

When you visit this website, you will first notice that it is full of the word "free". Great, think this is what you are after? When you take a closer look at a long list of functions, they are ingeniously separated from non free items, which gives people the illusion.


  • Free website builder
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 10GB
  • Bandwidth: unlimited
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: Cpanel

Free network host with limited functions

Reliability and uptime guarantee

I have repeatedly browsed this website, but it seems that there is no uptime guarantee mentioned at all, which is a bit worrisome. The only time for refund is within the 30 day grace period for payment.

upgrade options only offers two programs - paid and free. The benefits of a paid account are: unlimited storage space and bandwidth, $7.99 per month.

What is the ambiguity of

We can't find many free services. However, their terms of service have a warning; There is an "out" clause, which basically means that if you occupy too much (unspecified) resources, they can shut you down.

12、Free Hosting EU

免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

We can't find many free services. However, their terms of service have a warning; There is an "out" clause, which basically means that if you occupy too much (unspecified) resources, they can close you.


  • Free website builder
  • Automatic Setup (WordPress and Joomla only)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 200MB
  • Bandwidth: 4GB
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: advanced control panel

$0 hosting without advertising

Reliability and uptime guarantee

All plans of Freehosting EU provide 24/7 server monitoring and 99.8% uptime guarantee. As far as the network host is concerned, this belongs to the low-end. However, to reassure you, they provide the same guarantee for free accounts.

upgrade options

FreehostingEU has three options: free, BEST and PRO. These two payment plans cost $6.95 and $11.95 per month, respectively, and provide a 30 day refund guarantee. They offer discounts for first registration.

What is the ambiguity of Free Hosting EU?

Once again, in FreeHostingEU, you should pay attention to small words, otherwise you will "wow!" In general, there are many unusual things, for example, you must agree to limit your space to only 10% of image files, 10% of archives, etc. However, you are actually in a network host that can dump 20MB images.

13、Free Hosting No Ads

免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

FreehostingNoAds has been established for 18 years! To be honest, the functions provided by this website are very generous, even more than those provided by some paid accounts. I think part of it is through advertising subsidies, because they have posted Google ads on their websites. They promise not to force you to carry their advertisements.


  • Free website builder
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 1GB
  • Bandwidth: 5GB
  • Database: 3 MySQL database
  • Control Panel: Unknown

Free network hosting plan using 3 MySQL databases

Reliability and uptime guarantee

FFreehostingNoAds seems to be another hosting website that does not believe in uptime guarantees. However, even users of the free plan have provided technical support, but they have not clarified the nature of the support - perhaps just a reference to the knowledge base or FAQ.

upgrade options

Their upgrade option is very cheap, even though the most expensive plan costs only $1.99 per month, it can provide you with almost everything you want. In the $1.99 plan, they will even invest 125 dollars worth of advertising points for you!

What's the ambiguity?

Apart from the lack of uptime guarantee, and the vagueness of technical support reference, there is nothing else. This seems to be mainly aimed at people looking for free or cheap hosting solutions, that's all. Since they have a page dedicated to HTML5 website construction and ultimately lead to Wix, they may be affiliated subsidiaries.

14、Free Virtual Servers

免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

FreeVirtualServers is one of the brands of Easy Internet, providing network hosting and SEO services. They are another serious provider, offering everything from free hosting to dedicated server hosting plans. It is worth noting here that they have integrated a popular website builder into their hosting plan; Weebly。


  • Free website builder
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 100MB
  • Bandwidth: 200MB
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: Cpanel

Free network host with limited storage space

Reliability and uptime guarantee

FreeVirtualServers provides a standard 99.9% uptime guarantee, and all free accounts are supported by a knowledge base and FAQs. If you need more help, you can refer to some Flash teaching videos. 24/7 online support is only available for paid accounts.

upgrade options

There are many upgrade options, from standard shared hosts to dedicated servers. Prices range from $6.45 per month to $155.20 per month (for dedicated servers). Its servers are located in the UK headquarters. Prices are also in sterling (converted here to US dollars for convenience)

What's the ambiguity?

As we can see, there is no ambiguity in the host terms and conditions, neither surprise nor joy.

15、 Free Web Hosting Area

免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

Freewebhosting area, another evergreen company in the field of network hosting, has very generous basic terms for its free account. In two different control panels, it also provides a strange option, one of which looks very lightweight.


  • Free website builder
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Conditional ad free trusteeship
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 1.5GB
  • Bandwidth: unlimited
  • Database: 1 MySQL database
  • Control panel: FreeWHA Panel/Cpanel

Free hosting with WordPress and Joomla auto installer

Reliability and uptime guarantee

There was no mention of uptime guarantees or technical support. Although a forum is listed, it does not actually exist. A rough search of many comments shows that this is not a completely reliable host.

upgrade options

The price of the upgrade option here is the first time I have seen it. It mainly depends on the different control panels. FreeWHA seems to be a proprietary modification to the open source control panel script. Prices range from $1 per month to $6.99 per month.

What's the ambiguity?

The list of terms is a mile long, and I personally have some concerns about hosting this free website. There are no black and white restrictions. They claim that they have the right to terminate almost all accounts that are considered to be in violation of regulations, or even overuse resources. This is definitely not a friendly way. Even no advertising statement is conditional, and they indicate that they will put advertisements on some of their websites.


免费 web 服务器网站(2022 最佳推荐)

InstaFree provides a very good deal for potential website owners. According to them, even if the free account is also hosted on SSD storage, it is generous in terms of service terms and functional products. There are not only free shared hosts, but also free dealer hosts and free VPS!


  • Free website builder
  • Automatic installation program (WordPress, Joomla, etc.)
  • Ad free hosting
  • PHP and MySQL database support

Product parameters

  • Disk space: 10GB
  • Bandwidth: 100GB
  • Database: 5 MySQL database
  • Control panel: Cpanel

Free hosting, large storage capacity

Reliability and uptime guarantee

There is a standard 99.9% uptime guarantee and an active forum user community, including technical support, but only for direct issues related to hosting services.

upgrade options

All free accounts will have corresponding paid accounts, which is basically a step for free accounts. Prices range from $1 to $5 per month. InstaFree also provides website transmission services, even for free accounts, if you need to use Cpanel.

What's the ambiguity?

There are some taboos, such as the list of InstaFree, which prohibits users in some countries/regions. These include China, Russia and Poland, but (surprisingly) Singapore.

Risk of free hosting platform

Anything with the word "free" is very attractive. Understandably, most beginners who create websites for the first time want to keep costs low and save money

But remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Although using the free online hosting platform means that you don't have to pay a penny for creating and hosting your website, if you plan to use them, you should pay attention to many risks and problems. We will discuss three risks here.

Some free transactions will never bring their disadvantages. If your website is important, you should understand these risks and consider choosing a reliable, full-featured hosting service provider. The best shared host providers include free domain names, shared SSL support, email hosting, unlimited data transmission and disk space, and more website functions at a price of $2 - $5 per month.

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