Development tool: Sublime Text 3 v3.3143 Green Chinese Special Edition Download

Sublime Text 3 is the code editor that bloggers have been using to contact this industry. It runs fast without being stuck and is not as heavy as IDE. This is what bloggers like most about it. Of course, its functions are far more than that. For example, it is also an advanced text editor for HTML and prose. Beautiful user interface and extraordinary functions, such as: mini map, multi choice, Python plug-in, code segment, etc. Fully customizable key binding, menus, toolbars, etc. Beautiful user interface and extraordinary functions, Sublime Text's main functions include: spelling check, bookmarks, complete Python API, Goto function, real-time project switching, multiple selections, multiple windows, etc.

开发工具:Sublime Text 3 v3.3143 绿色汉化特别版下载

Development tool: Sublime Text 3 v3.3143 Green Chinese Special Edition Download

Software Introduction

Sublime Text is a lightweight, simple, efficient and cross platform editor. Its convenient color matching and compatibility with vim shortcut keys have won the favor of many front-end developers! Sublime Text is a necessary code editor for programmers. Almost every programmer speaks highly of Sublime Text! It is compact, no installation, green and portable; It can support Windows/Mac/Linux across platforms; It supports 32 and 64 bit operating systems. It supports syntax highlighting, code completion, code snippet, code folding, line number display, custom skin, color scheme and other functions of all other code editors, while ensuring its fast speed! It also has its own unique functions, such as code map, multiple interface layouts, and full screen non-interference mode. These excellent features make Sublime Text a god in the eyes of all programmers!

SublimeText supports but is not limited to syntax highlighting of mainstream programming languages such as C, C++, C #, CSS, D, Erlang, HTML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Markdown, Matlab, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, TCL, Textile and XML. SublimeText has excellent automatic code completion function (automatic completion of parentheses, braces and other pairing symbols; automatic completion of existing words; automatic completion of function names), which is very intelligent;

Software screenshot

开发工具:Sublime Text 3 v3.3143 绿色汉化特别版下载

Development tool: Sublime Text 3 v3.3143 Green Chinese Special Edition Download

List of main shortcut keys

 Ctrl+L select the whole line (press and hold - continue to select the lower line) Ctrl+KK Delete from cursor to end of line Ctrl+Shift+K Delete Entire Row Ctrl+Shift+D Copy the entire line where the cursor is, and insert it before the line Ctrl+J merge parallel (when multiple rows to be merged have been selected) Ctrl+KU Change to Upper Case Ctrl+KL Change to Lower Case Ctrl+D word selection (press and hold - continue to select the next same string) Ctrl+M cursor moves to the start or end position within the brackets Ctrl+Shift+M Select the content within the brackets (press and hold - continue to select the parent bracket) Ctrl+/Comment the whole line (if the content has been selected, the same as "Ctrl+Shift+/" effect) Ctrl+Shift+/Comment Selected Content Ctrl+Z Undo Ctrl+Y Redo Undo Ctrl+M cursor jumps to the corresponding bracket Alt+. Close the current label Ctrl+Shift+A Select the parent label pair at the cursor position Ctrl+Shift+[Collapse code Ctrl+Shift+] Expand Code Ctrl+KT Collapse Attributes Ctrl+K0 Expand All Ctrl+U Soft Undo Ctrl+T word exchange Tab Indent Auto Complete Shift+Tab Remove Indent Ctrl+Shift+↑ Interchange with uplink Ctrl+Shift+↓ Swap with Down Ctrl+K Backspace Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line Insert row after Ctrl+Enter cursor Ctrl+Shift+Enter Insert Row Before Cursor Ctrl+F2 Bookmark F2 Next Bookmark Shift+F2 Previous Bookmark

Introduction to the Chinese version

 by roustar31 – Based on the official version of Sublime Text 3, modify the Chinese version – The software has been registered by default and the automatic detection upgrade prompt has been removed – Integrate GBK plug-ins to support simplified Chinese integration of multiple themes and details optimization – Integrate Git, DocBlockr, MarkdownPreview, ColorPicker, AllAutocomplete and other plug-ins – Clear your personal information by referring to the Chinese version of Qingfeng Liuyin – Completely green and portable, with integrated registration code
 By wind flow and quiet sound 1. Based on the official version, the whole network is most perfect in Chinese, and there is basically no English. 2. Registered software does not need to be purchased by default. Rich programmers can support genuine software. 3. The removal program automatically detects the upgrade, that is, there is no update option and no upgrade prompt. 4. Adjust font size, auto wrap and other details to meet the usage habits of the public. 5. Corrected the mouse following problem of Chinese input method, and deeply integrated the GBK coding plug-in. 6. Modify several menu options and configuration files to make them more practical and user-friendly. 7. Integrate a variety of common plug-ins, which are detailed as follows (delete the ones you don't need)

Download address

Software download
  • Resource name: Sublime Text 3 v3.3143 Green Chinese Special Edition Download
  • Application platform: windows
  • Program version: v3.3143
  • Resource size: 18.7M

 Watson Blog
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      good thing
