How to register an account on Twitter? (Latest detailed tutorial)

Twitter is a very popular social network platform, which has the same effect as the domestic microblog, but it faces users all over the world. Many friends want to use Twitter, but most of them encounter many difficulties in their own registration process, which eventually leads to giving up.

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

Here we will organize the latest Twitter registration tutorial for you this year, and ensure that every step will be introduced to you in great detail. We hope to help you register your own account!

Specific steps of Twitter account registration tutorial

Twitter registration is becoming more and more strict. When you fill in information, please do not fill it out randomly. You must have true information, otherwise it will be considered as malicious registration or machine registration, which will not succeed.

1. First of all, open Twitter's official website (www.twitter. com) in the browser. Google Browser is recommended. You can't open it directly. Here, you need to link to the j ī a browser to open it.

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

2. Fill in the information truthfully according to the page prompts, and then click Register Twitter, the page will jump to the following page, fill in the information as shown in the figure, and then click Register.

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

3. On the newly opened page, select "China", enter the mobile phone number you can use, and then click Next.

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

4. At this time, we will receive a verification message from Twitter and fill it in the verification input box. Next, the account registration will be successful.

5. At this time, Twitter will ask you to fill in some information to improve your account information. We can fill in the information step by step according to the questions prompted.

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

6. What are you interested in? This is for Twitter to know what kind of content you are interested in, so that it can push relevant content for you.

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

7. After all the information is filled in, Twitter will send an email to the email you left at the beginning, enter the email, click the link in the email, and the account verification is completed.

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

The above are some of the core processes of normal Twitter registration. In fact, it is very simple, but many friends often encounter various problems in the process of registration, such as the phone can not receive the verification code, and the phone is blocked after registration. If you can't register yourself, you can consider buying a ready-made Twitter account.

Twitter account purchase

twitter 推特怎么注册账号?(最新详细教程)

If you don't want to register your own account, you can consider buying a ready-made Twitter account directly. You should also carefully read the precautions for using the ready-made account!

Precautions for registering Twitter

The following notes are very important. More than 90% of friends cannot register or their account is abnormal due to the following reasons.

1. When you register, you usually use the j ஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷī, and many friends use the free j ஷஷஷ. These IP addresses have long been identified by Twitter as maliciously registered IP addresses. Through these IP addresses, it is self defeating. Either they cannot be registered, or they are blocked after registration.

2. Some mobile phones can't receive the verification code, so we try to use regular self used mobile phone numbers, such as some 170 and 171 segments, which belong to virtual number segments, and may fail to register.

3. Keep the IP address clean. The IP address mentioned here is the IP address assigned to us by the j ஷஷஷஷஷஷ a when we link the j ஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷஷ. Try not to use the free ones. Everyone can use the free ones. They must be low-quality users, fooling around. If conditions permit, you can purchase a monthly paid j ஷ a speed device. This quality is generally high. Since it is paid, the j ஷ a speed device platform will also provide high-quality IP.

4. After you register, you should improve your personal information in time, so that Twitter will think you are a real user who really wants to use Twitter, rather than registering maliciously.

5. You can occasionally tweet and write about your mood, which will help improve the quality of your Twitter account.

6. Don't post advertisements and illegal content. It's easy to be blocked! Account registration is not easy, take care of your account!

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