How can I download the nba2k21 iPhone? (Valid tutorials for personal testing)

NBA2K21 is the latest work in the world famous and best-selling NBA 2K series, providing an industry-leading sports video game experience on PlayStation 4. NBA2K21 provides a unique immersion in all aspects of NBA basketball and culture by virtue of its first-class graphics and game playing methods, competitive and community online functions, and extensive improvement of in-depth and diverse game modes - everything is played here.

NBA2K21 was launched in April 2021. This time, only the Apple version was launched. The Android version has not been officially released yet, so Apple mobile phone users will be blessed. Although the Apple version is online, it can only be downloaded in the United States, and cannot be downloaded in China. Friends who have played NBA2K20 must also be worried about upgrading to NBA2K21. Friends who want to play NBA2K21 are also looking for how to download it.

So, here I will do a tutorial to teach you how to download NBA2K21 from Apple mobile phones!

How can I download the nba2k21 iPhone?

When you use Apple phones, you search and download software or games from the App Store. For the NBA2K21, you must also search directly from the App Store. Is it not in the search results? There are some other games in the search results.

First of all, we should understand why we can't download as Chinese users?

All of our iPhones need to log in an Apple ID, and Apple IDs need to be registered. When we register, we register in China, including the information of Chinese users, so Apple can officially determine that your ID user is a Chinese user. NBA2K21 is a game developed in the United States. When it is put on the Apple App Store, only users in the United States can download it, so Chinese users can't find it, which is the fundamental reason why we can't download it.

How can domestic users download it?

The method is also very simple. We just need to get an American ID, and then we can directly log into the App Store to download the NBA2K21. But how can I get American ID? Here are three ways for you:

1. Register US ID

We can register an American ID through Apple's official website, which still requires a certain network foundation. It is not recommended here, and ordinary netizens may not be able to register successfully by themselves. The IP address we need to register is in the United States, and the relevant registration information must also be in the United States, so that you can log in to display the applications in the United States.

2. Borrow US ID

If you have a friend who is from the United States, naturally their iPhone ID is from the United States. You can borrow it from others. It is estimated that few netizens have American friends, which is also a troublesome thing.

3. Lease US ID

Personally, I think this approach is more reliable. Don't bother others if you can spend money to solve things. The price of renting ID is also very cheap. For a few yuan, you can download it to the genuine NBA2K21, because we introduce the official download channels.

Rental address:

After obtaining the American Apple ID, we can directly exit our original Apple ID in the App Store and then log in to the American ID. At this time, we will find that all apps in our AppStore have become English. Then we can directly search for NBA2K21 in the search box. At this time, we can see it.

The method is very simple. Let's hurry up and enjoy the fun of the game!

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