Google account registration phone number cannot be verified? (Detailed solutions)

Although Google has withdrawn from China, due to its strong influence in the world, many netizens still need to register a Google account. Because as long as you have a Google account, as long as you have Google products and services, you can basically use this account. For example, we often download software in Google Play, log on YouTube, etc., and need a Google account.

Google account registration phone number cannot be verified?

Yes, when some friends register their Google accounts, their mobile phones fail to receive verification messages, and they will prompt you that "this number cannot be used for verification".

The vast majority of netizens will be stuck here, so that everyone can not continue to register and finally give up.

What shall I do? Is there really no way? Xiao Bian also encountered this problem at that time. I will summarize my operating experience and tell you!

Why can't I receive the verification code?

First of all, you should eliminate several reasons. These small problems may be your problems.

1. To confirm whether the country is China, some friends have chosen the wrong country and still use Chinese mobile phones to register here. If it's not China, change it to China.

2. When filling in the number, check whether the prefix of the mobile phone number is+86. The international identification of mobile phone numbers in China is preceded by+86. If not, change it and try again.

If the above two problems are ruled out, and the prompt is still unavailable for verification, please continue to try the following methods.

Detailed solutions

1. Change IP address

Many friends go to Google and use magic to get online. Other people are also using the relevant software we use. There are many people using the software, but there are only so many proxy IP addresses. It is likely that the IP address where you registered your Google account has been registered many times. It is detected by the Google system and will not allow you to register at this time.

We try to switch IP addresses and change regions. It is recommended to use IP addresses from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

2. Switch the browser's language to traditional

We'd better use Google Chrome when registering, and then click the path to switch browser languages.

Click "...." in the upper right corner of the browser - Settings - Advanced - Click "Add Language" in the language item - Select Traditional Chinese and set this language as the default language of the browser. Close the browser, we are trying to register.

The purpose of switching languages is to make Google think we are from Taiwan or Hong Kong, because Google is not very friendly to the mainland!

3. Change registered mobile phone number

After trying the above two steps, we still can't do it. Let's switch to IP and try to register with your family's mobile phone number. When I registered at that time, I changed my wife's mobile phone number. Finally, the registration was successful, and my own mobile phone number could not be registered.

Exclusive Google account

Those who dislike trouble can buy ready-made Google accounts directly from here. They are all clean and first-hand accounts, very good!

The method is not complicated, so we should try patiently. I think the key point is that the proxy IP is not clean. If the proxy IP has registered a Google account for many times, it will be blocked by Google's security mechanism. The browser language also has a lot to do with it.

I wish you success!

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on December 19, 2023 09:27:44
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